Chapter 41 - Spot

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A/N We are less than two days out from my birthday and my ear has decided it wants to make my life miserable. It's very hard focusing (especially on school) when you 1) can't hear anything, and 2) are in a lot of pain. Wish me luck lol.
Third Person POV
Spot's Memory

"Hey Spot!" Race exclaims, running over to him.

Spot chuckles, as Race hugs him tightly, his arms finding their way around Spot's waist. "Heya Racer. You excited?"

Race vigorously nods, causing Spot to chuckle again.

"He's been bouncing around the house all morning!" Jack shouts from Race and Crutchie's bedroom window, where he and Crutchie stood.

"Aww, shut up, Kelly! If you don't, I'll show Davey 'the video'!" Race shouts back, glaring at him. His face was very red as well.

Crutchie laughs as Jack pleads with Race. "Please don't, Race. I'll shut up."

Race nods. "Then shut your mouth."

Crutchie waves to Race. "Love you, Race! Have fun, you two!"

Race and Spot wave back. "Love you, Crutch."

"I'll have him back within a few hours" Spot promises. Crutchie nods approvingly.

Jack and Crutchie close the window as Race and Spot start walking away from the house.

"So," Spot starts, turning to face his boyfriend. "What is 'the video'?"

Race snickers. "Just a video of a very tired Jack Kelly rambling about Davey. How pretty his eyes are, how hot he is, how to paint him, and so on. You can get some good blackmail from tired Jack."

Spot chuckles, shaking his head. "You are something else, Anthony Higgins."

Race continues to look ahead. "So you've said."

Spot chuckles, intwining their fingers.

Race smiles, blushing a (tiny) bit. He had gotten less embarrassed over the past few months, so he'd like to believe.

He was wrong though.

"Anything new in the Larkin household?" Spot questions. Race shrugs.

"Nothing really, other than the fact that I have blackmail on Jack." Race grins to himself, causing Spot to laugh. "I'm getting better, slowly, but I am."

Spot nods. "If you ever need anything-"

Race cuts him off, pretending to be Spot. "-and I mean anything, call me, or have Jack text me. Just let me know, I'll help."

Spot chuckles. "I may say that a little often."

Race scoffs. "A little often? That's more than Weasel has ever scolded me for the same thing. 'You're using a yellow pencil! Get out of here! We only use orange pencils'!"

Spot bursts out laughing at Race's insulting impression of Weasel. "That was so bad, but so funny."

Race smiles. He liked making Spot laugh. "Just don't tell Davey, or even Kath, they'll scold me for doing that."

Spot nods. "I would never. After all, I do the same thing when they're not looking, too."

Race smirks.

They walk for a few more minutes, before they get to the gas station.

Here's their plan:

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