Chapter 25 - Race

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Third Person POV

"We got the bullet out of him. He got shot right between his ribs. He lost a lot of blood" The doctor continues. To Spot, it felt like it drags on. He just wants to see Race.

"No, really? It's not like some of us where there" Spot mumbles. The doctor looks at him pitifully, as Jack puts his hand on Spot's shoulder to calm him down.

Spot was sitting in the waiting room with Jack, Crutchie, and Davey. They were waiting for the others.

Tumbler had gone home with a Brooklyn Newsie, named Switch, earlier. The doctors had patched him up, and said he was good to go. Switch and a few of the other boys were gonna help him with the trama from the memories.

"Can we see him?" Jack asks the doctor, patiently. Jack knew how Spot was feeling, and that Spot wanted to see Race.

"Yes. He is currently asleep. I don't recommend-" The doctor starts, heading into Race's room to check on him, but stops when he sees Race.

Race was sitting in the bed, wide awake, looking to be in pain. "Where is Spot?" Race asks the doctor.

"He's asking for someone named Spot" The doctor tells the group, poking his head out the door. Spot looks up, surprised and relieved, and gets up, heading in to see Race.

"What happened to 'he is unconscious and I wouldn't recommend waking him up'?" Jack asks the doctor, who shrugs. They all walk into Race's room.

"Race!" Spot exclaims, running over to him. Race grins, even through the pain, he still looks happy.

"You scared all of us" Spot breathes, holding Race's hand.

"You were scared? I just got shot" Race laughs, and Spot smiles at him. Spot kisses Race, and the few boys in the room "awe" at them. They pull away, laughing.

The doctor sticks his head back into the room, and everyone turns to him. "There are like 20 boys, and 3 girls, in the waiting room, here for him?" The doctor informs them, sounding unsure.

The boys in the room laugh.
"Jack and I will go update them" Davey states, and Jack nods, agreeing.

"Tell those weirdos, not Kath and Sarah, that I love them. Albert too, even if he is a sarcastic butt head" Race tells Jack, who rolls his eyes, smiling. Jack nods, as he and Davey leave the room.

"I brought your stuffed animal" Crutchie tells Race, holding up Race's "stuffie" as he calls it. Race's eyes light up, as Crutchie hands it to him. Spot chuckles.

With Jack and Davey
In the Waiting Room

"Hey guys" Jack greets, and all of the boys, plus the two girls, look up at them, worried. Some of them were crying, others panicked.

"How is he?" Multiple of the boys, including, but not limited to, Albert, JoJo, Elmer, and Mush, ask Jack and Davey.

"He's gonna be okay. They got the bullet out. He said to tell you weirdos, minus Kath and Sarah for the weirdo part, that he loves you." Jack tells them, and they all smile. "He also said, Albert too, even if he is a sarcastic butt head."

Albert rolls his eyes as the group starts laughing.
"Glad to see that the bullet didn't damage his brain or change him in any way" Albert responds, sarcastically.

"He was right about that though" Blink points out. Albert rolls his eyes again.

"I never said he wasn't right" Albert responds, crossing his arms, and looking away. The group laughs.

A ding comes from Jack's pocket. He takes his phone out, as everyone looks at him. He and Davey look at what it was, and both laugh.

"What?" Specs asks, confused. Jack and Davey look up.

"I got a text from Race." Jack informs them. "He said to tell you guys that you shouldn't be crying, and to get those tears and frowns off of your faces, because he's gonna be okay. He also says that Crutchie is the best." The other boys, plus Kath and Sarah, all laugh.

"Why'd he say that Crutchie is the best? Not that I'm denying it" Buttons asks, and Jack shrugs. Another ding.

"This ones from Spot." Jack explains, as they start laughing again. "Crutchie brought him his stuffie."


"That's why."

"Makes sense."

The group starts laughing again, as a few doctors come out.

"Are all of you here for Anthony Higgins?" The doctor who Jack had seen earlier, questions, looking between the other doctors.

"Sorry, if I may interrupt." Albert starts. The doctors turn to him. "It's Racetrack Higgins. He doesn't like his name for reasons." Albert looks around, making eye contact with Medda, Jack, Davey, and JoJo.

"Okay?" The doctor responds, before continuing. "What are your relations to him?"

"Spot is his soulmate. Jack and Crutchie are his foster brothers. Medda is his foster mother. The rest of us are best friends/siblings."

The doctor nods.
"Is his foster mother here?"

"Yes." Medda answers, stepping forward. "I'm right here."

"Oh, hi mom" Jack waves to her, and she chuckles, waving back, as some of the other boys laugh.

"He's gonna be okay. He'll have to stay here for a few weeks, just to make sure something doesn't go drastically wrong" The doctor informs the group, mostly Medda. They all sigh in relief, and the doctors smile at how much they care.

"Thank you doctor" Medda thanks him, and he nods, walking away.

"Are we all going to visit Race?" Davey asks the whole group, as Medda and Jack start laughing. The boys, plus Katherine and Sarah, look at him like he's stupid.

"Noo Davey, we all just came for no reason" Albert responds, sarcastically, arms crossed.

Davey puts his hands up in surrender.
"Sorry. Just asking."
Albert scoffs, mumbling something about asking stupid questions, as Elmer hugs him to calm him down.

"Let's go then" Jack states, as they all head to Race's room.

With Race

Race looks up as everyone enters, surprised.
"Hi Miss Medda. Hi Albert, Buttons, JoJo, Elmer, Henry, Specs, Mush, Blink, Kath, Sarah, Sniper, Smalls, Finch, Tommy boy, Romeo, Skitts, Boots, Lucky, Les, Mike, Ike, Ace, Hotshot, Smokes. Jeech, that was a mouthful."

Everyone in the room laughs at Race, before hugging him one-by-one, and asking how he's doing, only for him to respond (by the third person) "Still doing okay, nothing has changed in the one minute since someone else asked."

"You sure are something else, Racer" Spot laughs, shaking his head. The others in the room laugh as well.

"I'm going to take that as a compliment, so thank you Spottie" Race responds, cheekily grinning at Spot, who blushes and smiles.

"It wasn't meant to not be a compliment. It wasn't bad. Also, if you didn't just get shot, I would've killed you for calling me that" Spot reminds Race, who laughs, poking Spot's nose.

"But I did, so ha! You loove me!" Race teases Spot, laughing, before kissing Spot on the forehead.

"That I do" Spot kisses Race, as the boys laugh/cheer or whistle at the couple.

"That was so cute!" Spot and Race laugh at Elmer, who Albert is now hugging so that Elmer will calm down, while grinning at his boyfriend as the group starts laughing.

1240 Words
He's okay!
Also, thanks for all the reads, votes, and comments. I love reading the comments, and people are so nice.
- Sweets!

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