Alex is their Dad!

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Before i knew it, i was 18 and legally aloud to marry! It had been around three weeks after my birthday when Alex asked the big question "Should we set a date for the wedding now?". I remember thinking how good it was to be with Alex and what an amzing feeling i would have if i was married to the guy i truly did love! I must have jumped up on him as hard as i could and hugged him tightly.

"YESSS!" I screamed as i heard Jackson at the baby gate shaking it. I got off Alex and clicked open he gate so Jackson-James could come in. I picked him up and gave him a big hug, happy about life! Jackson was playing with my hair while i talked to Alex some more. "So, what date should we choose?" I smirked at him!

"Well, i want you to decide!" He smiled "I know that this means a lot to you! It means a lot to me too, but a girl is a girl!" He laughed. I thought about it and i really did want to get married to Alex soon. I didn't want to wait another 1 or 2 years!

"Next week! I want to marry you next weekend!" I jumped with excitement, Alex seeemed a little shocked. 

"Wow, didn't realise you'd want it that soon!" He let out a smile and kissed me, softly. "I'll ring a few places up. This is going to be the most beautiful weddings anyone has seen!" He smiled as he opened the laptop on the table.

"Alex? Where are we going to get the money for all of this?" I asked, feeling slightly guilty that i didn't have a job. He just told me not to worry and that he had it sorted. He had probably been saving up for ages for this, probably 1 or 2 years most likely! I left him to the searching and went to see my babies. 

I walked into the living room, where i found Elijah and Jackson both colouring and drawing. It was perfect, them both together. Elijah looked up at me slowly, and gave me a smile. Jackson then saw me too. "Mummy, come see!" Jackson smiled with his pearly white baby teeth. I sat on the floor with them and picked up there drawing. It was a house, with a mum and dad, and two boys. "It's you, daddy Alex, me and Elijah!" Jackson seemed proud. I looked to Elijah and he seemed proud too, proud to be apart of this family and have Alex as there rightful dad!  I hugged them both and told them how beautiful their drawing is!

"Honey! I'm just going to do some food shopping, i'll be back in a few hours!" I heard Alex yell. I went into the kitchen and gave him a list of what i needed for the babies, he gave me a kiss and left. I then put the kettle on and poured myself a cup of coffee. There was a knock at the door, Alex had probably forgotten something. I put the cup of coffee on the table and opened the door. I stood there staring at this apparent stranger, Matt. 

"Listen, i'm hear to explain about the last few years!" I didn't want to hear his pathetic response! "My parents, they didn't know about Elijah and Jackson! Once i told them, they flipped! They told me that we were moving an hour before i got in the car, there was nothing i could do!" He explained. I went to close the door in his face, but he stuck his foot there. "Please, let me come in? Just for 5 minutes?!" He pleaded. I sighed and let him in. 

"You have a nice house!" He tried to make convosation. He picked up a picture of me, Alex and the boys. "Is- is this them?" He pointed at the twins. I nodded. "I am so sorry Em! I'm a coward and i hate myself for missing the most important years in our kids lifes! I'm here now though, to make it right!" He got close to me, too close. I pulled away from him. 

"What are you doing? You were about to kiss me!" He looked down at my hand. He soon realised that i was wither engaged or married. 

"Where are the twins? Could i see them, just for a few short minutes?" He asked. I told him to follow me and we went into the living room. We entered and Jackson and Elijah ran to me.

"Mummy! We've made a new picture for our fridge!" Elijah said. But, then Elijah went quiet and got shy. Jackson just looked up at the strange man he had never seen before,

"Mummy, who's this?" Jackson asked me, raising his eyebrows. He always looks cute when he does that. I had to lie to them and just said that he was one of my old friends, even though he's never really been a friend. We sat on the couch as the children were playing. 

"They're gorgeous Emma!" He smiled. I noticed he couldn't keep his eyes off them! "I actually can't believe how much Jackson looks like me. Elijah looks so much like you too!" He told me. "Please. Let me tell them i'm their dad!" He whispered too me.

"No, Matt, you've crossed the line now!" I told him. "You haven't been around for their whole lives! What makes you think you earn the right to be their dad? You're just a stranger! " I was so angry at this point. "Alex is their dad!" I screamed in a whispered tone , then i told him to leave my house, he did.

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