A Couple More Years...

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It's been 1 & 1/2 years since the engagement. Everything is normal, like it's always been. Me and Alex are perfect, still didn't have sex, but it will be special when we do. The twins are even more perfect! They're both walking and talking! They even call Alex, dad! Jackson-James is always throwing tantrums and screaming.  Elijah even has an imaginery friend, he calls him 'Toby'. They both have something in common though, fiddling and both tugging me to the grown by the bottom of my legs. Elijah still has the same pearly blue eyes and Jackson still has the muddy brown type. Both tanned. let's just say they didn't inherit that from me! I am in college, but i only go in 3 days of the week instead of 4, because of the twins. I love spending time with them, but i want a career to support them all at the same time! 

I was making the twins lunches for nursery when a mysterious someone wrapped their arms around my waist. I looked up 'Hey' i said to Alex. He smiled at me and slowly let go. He opened the fridge and got out a smoothie "Em, we need to talk!" He sounded serious. 

"Yeah, sure!" I said, as i put the sadwhiches in each of their lunch boxes. I threw in some crisps and snacks and turned around to face Alex, smiling slightly. 

"So, i'm already 18, but you're 18 in around5 months, so i was wondering when you wanted the date to be for the wedding?" He asked me, smiling. I kissed him.

"I don't know, suprise me!" I smiled while wrapping my arms around my future husbands neck. I kissed him again, heavily. It got more intense and we were practicaly sucking eachothers faces dry. He stopped the kiss and turned around. 

"Shit..." He whispered. I asked im what was wrong an he turned around with his hand over his genitle area. We both laughed and he went to go sort the mis hap out. 

I was placing the lunch boxes on the table, when i heard rattling come from the door frame. Jackson was pulling on the baby gate. I sighed and he started to stomp his feet and frown. I bent over the gate and lifted him up and over. I sat him on a chair at the table. "Where's daddy?" He asked. I told him that Alex was upstairs getting ready and that we needed to hurry up and get ready. I ran my hand throught his brown hair upwards and wiped the cereal from his face. I through his dark blue skinny jeans on and a monkey top. Then, I reached for his trainers and placed them on his feet. "Follow me Jackson, i need to go get Elijah ready" I got his hand and we went upstairs to were Alex and Elijah was. Alex had already got him ready and cleaned. With Elijah's blonde hair combed upwards like Jackson's.I sighed in relief. "Daddy got me ready" He smiled and walked towards Jackson. I mouthed a thank you to Alex and picked Elijah up, while Alex picked up Jackson. We hurried to the car and dropped them both off at nursery. "Thank you mummy!" Elijah shouted before we left. "and daddy!" Jackson screamed at the end. 

We both did explain to the twins that their biological dad was called Matt but he's not around and we all agreed that they could call Alex dad. They agreed to this, but i don't think they understood, so that's a convosation for the future.

When we arrived home we got our pyjamas back on and got snuggled up on the couch and watched a movie. It was good to be alone with Alex. "Emma, listen about the boner situation!" I giggled slightly and looked up at him. "I'm 18 and i need sex!" He admitted "I'm not going to force you or anything, but when would you be ready?" He asked me casually. 

"I'm really not sure Alex! I'm just so scared that i'll get pregnant or something, i don't want to risk it!" I sighed. I did feel like sex, every minute of the day, but i really didn't want to be a mum, again! I kissed him. He looked into my eyes and smiled, placing his hand on my cheek. He kissed me, intensly. His fingers wrapped around my hair stands, messing my hair up.  "I love you!" Alex panted through the kissing and touching. Before i knew it, i crept on top of him, kissing him more. Then i was naked...

Afterwards, i was wrapped in the red blanket, naked with Alex. "That was so good!" He whispered. I laughed and cuddled into his chest more. "But, nothing could beat our first time!" He muttered. 

"Alex, did you use a condom?" I asked him quickly. He nodded and told me that he's not stupid. I smiled and said "I love you too"  since we were too heated, i couldn't say it before. 

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