The Week Dragged until the day!

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Another week of school began, same old, same old. I woke up on Monday morning feeling different and more happy about life, I had also noticed I hadn't had morning sickness in a week, meaning I might have got over that stage of the pregnancy, thank goodness! I had my breakfast like usual and got dressed, met Alex and walk to school.

First two lessons dragged, geography and Science. But after break I have Physical and Social Education, where Matt sits by me, oh dear!
I was so relieved when it was break, I was craving my salt and vinegar crisps. When I wasn't pregnant I wouldn't go near salt and vinegar crisps, but a cravings a craving.
"Hey, anyway Alex I'm so tempted to tell Catherine about me and my situation!" Alex stood and looked at me.
"Emma, you can't! She has the biggest mouth in the school and it will get round so quick!" I nodded and carried on walking. "and she's too wrapped up in her new boyfriend and friends to care!"
"She has a boyfriend?!" I raised my eyebrows unaware of this.
"Yeah, that Ethan in our science" he huffed. I just sighed.

Walking in the room and seeing Matt sitting there without a care in the world hurt! What if he is actually the father? What would I do? I'd have to tell Jason the truth and Alex would be really upset!
As soon as he saw me, he looked away, hiding his turned away face with his arm. I glanced behind me to see him looking straight down at his book. I just carried on with my work for the whole lesson, considering the huge hint was that he wasn't interested in me.

Afterwards, I walked towards Matt as we were leaving the room. I then decided not to talk to him and wait. But i couldn't, I got out one of my scan pictures and wrote on the back 'Matt, he or she could be yours, you have a responsibility?' and posted it through his locker. I stood across the hallway and waited for him to come to his locker, I only had to wait a few minutes. The hallways were crowded so I would be barely noticed. I watched his face as he picked up the scan and read the back. He shook his head and shoved the scan in his back pocket and slammed his locker shut, then punching it.

The week did dragged and every time I saw Matt he swerved and dodged me, not a word from him. He did make it pretty clear about not wanting to be involved with anything.
I really hope that Matt is not my babies father, for my baby's sake!

Later, on wednesday, was the day of the DNA test. I was so scared and wished that I had Jason and my mum by my side. But they didn't know how much of a stupid person I'd been.
I'd told my mum that I felt ill and my feet hurt, so I didn't go to school. The appointment was booked at 11:45, so as soon as my mum and Jason would leave for work and school, I'd get dressed.
It was only 7:30 and Jason had only just got up. He burst into my room asking me why the real reason was I'm not going to school.
"Does someone know about the baby? Are they giving you a hard time?" He questioned "is it Alex?".

"No, no Jason. I do really feel ill and can't be bothered with school today, seriously!" I laughed and snuggled more into my duvet.
"Okay, as long as you and the baby are fine that's all that matters. Anyway I need to get a move on! Only got half an hour before Matt gets here!" He laughed.
"Yeah, he's giving me a ride to school from now on" Jason told me. I nodded and decided to get up and dressed already. It was soon 8 o'clock and Jason was nearly ready. The doorbell rang. "Emma, can you get the door please" my mum asked me since she was busy getting Abbie ready. I ran down the stairs and opened the door.
"Hey" I said quietly. He sort of smiled and walked in. I took a seat at the table as he stood there. "Did you get the scan?" I whispered.
"Yeah, but, Emma, you know the other guy would make a better Dad that me anyway, so no loss I mean?" I nodded and slightly smiled. "Well, I want my baby to have its real dad around, for sure. So I've got a DNA test today with 'the other guy'". I saw him gulp.
" you'll know of it's mine or not?" His eyes were wide.
"In a few days I will, but let's just say we both hope it's not" I whispered and walked out the room.


This can't be real. I know there a chance that it could or couldn't be mine. But, this is by far the scariest thing I've faced in a while. I'm 17, I can't be a dad and I won't !! I know it's not fair to leave Emma on her own with a baby but she'll have Jason and Alex. I mean, if Jason finds out that I had sex with his sister, he'll kill me!
This baby is not mine and whatever the DNA test proves doesn't mean a thing to me!


I ran upstairs and jumped into my bed and curled up into a ball. I didn't want to be pregnant and I didn't want an abortion either! If I get a miscarriage of this DNA test then it would be heartbreaking, but at the same time relieving!

It was now 10:50 by the time my thoughts were gone and I dragged myself off my bed to do my makeup and other things. The time went by fast and suddenly it was 11:20 and Alex was due to any minute now, the doorbell rang. I grabbed all my things and went downstairs and got the door. I gave unlocked my car and Alex jumped in while I locked up.

Finally, we arrived at the clinic. We must have waited for what seemed a lifetime until a nice young doctor called out 'Emma Jane, follow me please' and I did what he said, with Matt at my side.
I entered a small white room and sat down next to Alex. "So, Emma, this must be a big day for you both!" I nodded and so did Alex. "Anyway this procedure or very risky, but we have some of the most incredible doctors, surgeons and nurses you could ask for!" He smiled and read over my files. He then described how the procedure would work and the risks. "Okay, Emma and AlEx could you please let Dr. Harris get a sample of cells from your left cheek please"
"Yeah sure" I said. They took a swab of saliva too. After that I got dressed into suitable clothing, like the hospital dress and they wheeled me into surgery.

I don't remember anything after that because they put me to sleep. The next thing I remember is waking up and Alex was by my side fast asleep. I didn't want to wake him since he may have been up for hours so I lay there thinking about my baby. Then I thought about next month, the scan that with reveal my baby's gender. I don't mind what my baby will be, along as she or he is healthy and cute. I was sore and couldn't really move that well considering they did the procedure into my vagina.
A few hours later, Alex woke up and smiled at me. "Hey! How are you?"
"I'm okay, just sore!" He gave me a sympathetic look and squeezed my hand. "I told Matt that I was having a DNA test" I sighed.
"Emma! He doesn't even deserve to know! He's not even supportive, he's horrible!" I just nodded my head and thought to myself. Alex will always be there for me, but is it possible that Alex is getting slightly jealous over Matt?
"Imagine if Jason found out me and Matt had sex?" I laughed.
"Matt would be dead!" Alex giggled. A doctor then came walking over to us. I sat up slightly and smiled at him.
"Emma, the procedure went smoothly and everything seems normal. Oh, if you are sore that is normal too, you can leave the hospital tomorrow morning considering we need to check on you. The results will be posted to your house within the next week" he nodded.
"Thank you" I smiled and he walked away pleased.

The time in the hospital went slow. I texted my mum telling her that I was staying at Alex's since I needed to clear my head and have a break, She actually seemed fine about it.

Life Changes (Teen Pregnancy Novel)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin