The Commitment

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The night got closer and i was so excited! It had been forever since i had gone out somewhere with Alex. I love the twins but they are a hand full! It was 5:00pm and Alex was due to come home an minute now he'd finished work at 4:30pm. I just got both of the twins to sleep since it would be a lot easier and less stressful with them asleep. I heard Alex shout from downstairs 'I'm home' and i love it. I love the way i'm his home, that the boys are his home! I ran downstairs and a smile was across my face. I ran to him and hugged him tightly. I had my arms around his neck and i looked up at him. His brown muddy eyes caught eye contact with mine. He smirked and i kissed him.

"I'm so excited!"i jumped. He laughed and told me to go get ready into something casual, like jeans and something. I did think we were going to a meal, but i was simply okay since i'd be with Alex. I went to our room and got on my dark blue jeans. I put on a long sleeve tight black top and threw on my dark blue Nike trainers. I topped up my make up and went downstairs to see what Alex was doing. He was sitting at the table having a cup of coffee and was on the laptop. "Hey there, when you getting ready?" I asked him, since he was still in his work uniform. He's working in ASDA for the summer. 

"Okay, i'll go stick something on now!" He smiled and shook his head slightly. I giggled and nosed over him to see what was on the laptop. I noticed on the screen that he was looking at puppies. "Listen, Em?" 

"Please, please, please!" I screamed and smiled. My smile was so big it probably took over most of my face. He laughed and stood up.

"Em? We can get a dog if you want i've been.." I interupted him by screaming with joy and jumping on him. "I've been looking around and i've found a few that you could choose from!" He sat back down and i sat by him. He scrolled down the selections. There was three different kinds of dogs. One type was a chihuaha, i'd never been good with really small dogs. They were just too small, i like big cuddly dogs. The next dog was a golden retriever, they're perfect! I didn't decide to look at the next one, a golden retriever was perfect! "GOLDEN RETRIEVER! Definitely!" I smiled, a lot. I hugged him.

"Okay! I best be getting ready, we'll get the dog soon, i promise!" He kissed me and went upstairs to get changed. I smiled in excitement and followed him up the stairs, but went to Jackson and Elijah's room. I woke up Jackson and his  brown eyes opened up and looked a me, he smiled and stood up. Elijah moved around a little, before he opened his pearly blue eyes. I took them downstairs and dressed them both into pyjamas since they where only going to Nanny Sandy's and Granpa Mike's house. I dressed them in cute little matching pyjamas that mike and my mum got them for their 1st birthday. They're little elephant pyjamas with an elephant hoody for the top. They're so cute! By the time i got them dressed and bags packed, Alex was ready and started to help me with the twins. Jackson needed a nappy change, so Alex told me he'd do it for me. I loved him for that. But, the truth is, i'd never actually told him that, that i love him.

We arrived at my mums and dropped the twins off quickly, we then shortly left, excited for the night ahead. Alex can drive now since he passed his test around 5 months ago. He was driving and we entered a motorway. I was so unsure of where we were going. "Could you tell me now, Alex please?" I looked at him, he smirked, keeping his eyes on the road. He just kept silent, smiling. "Come on, Alex!" 

"Emma! You really can't wait, can you?! We're here!" I looked around and we parked in a small car park. I was so confused! I got out the car, aong with Alex and he headed for the  boot. He lifted out a gorgeous picnic basket and i suddenly understood everything. I smiled at him and stood by him while holding his hand. We walked into a field and he layed down a red checkered blanket. I sat down on it and so did he. It was still w=quite light but getting dark, so we'd see the sunset. He opened the basket and i saw that he had really thought this out. There was a beautiful selection of foods, like chicken wings and sandwiches! We layed there for what seemed hours before the sunset, talking about the twins and general life, and of course the new dog! We decided to get a female dog, since i lived in a house full of boys.We also decided to call her Jessie.

Finally, the sunset did come and i was curled up in Alex's arms. It was beautiful and he was beautiful! It was quite warm so we hardly needed the blanket that was wrapped around us both. "Alex?" I sat up and looked at him. "I love you!" I smiled in excitement to these words. He smirked.

"Emma, i love you too, forever and always!" He sat up and rummaged through the picnic basket. He pulled out a small black box. I gasped as i couldn't believe this was happening! "Emma Jane, will you marry me?" He asked, perfectly. I shouted yes a trillion times and threw a hug at him. He put the ring on my finger. It was a silver ring, with small diamonds all around it. "It's an engagment ring, since we won't be able to get married until 1 and a half years, when were 18!" He told me.

"I wish we didn't have to wait that long! I love you Alex Turner, forever and always!" I kissed him. I had the urge to have sex with him right there and then, but i could wait till later. Plus, i haven't even had sex with him since i found out i was pregnant. Also, i really didn't want to have engagment sex on a field! We just kissed eachother aggresively for the next 10 minutes. Then, we both decided we should be going because it was nearly pitch black and it was like half 9 and din't want to leave the twins too long with my mum, since she still has a young child herself, Abbie. So, we made our way back to the car, holding hands, driving to my mums. 

We got there and my mum practically ran to me. She grabbed my hand and looked at the ring. She hugged me "It's beautiful! Thank you Alex!" She gave him a hug.

"Speaking of gorgeous where's my two boys?" I asked, excited to see my babies. Jason came in the room smiling carrying two car seats with a baby in each one. We'd recently changed the car seats multiple times, since babies don't half grow fast! So, i could tell that, even Jason, was struggling slightly. I grabbed Elijah off him and Alex got Jackson.

Even at this young age, i could tell that my boys were going to be quite different. I could tell Elijah was going to be the quite type and a mummy's boy. Whereas, Jackson would be loud and a daddy's boy. But, they are twins, and the bond between two twins cannot be broken, just like me and Jason.

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