Baby girl/boy?

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I had woken up at 10:00 with a stiff neck and the house was empty, everyone had left for either school or work. I went downstairs and got some cereal to feed me and my baby and watch TV for half an hour. It was then 10:31 and I have just under an hour to get ready. I had a quick shower and dried my hair. Then I threw some clothes on and straightened my hair. By the time I had done this, it was 11:10 and I had to be at the clinic soon. I jumped into my car and headed straight there quickly.

I got to the clinic at 11:26 and ended up waiting for ages. It looked like Matt wasn't gunna show. The woman called my name out and I walked towards her. "Emma, wait!" It was Matt I was so glad I wasn't in my own. He followed me to the scanning room and the doctor did the same procedure like the scan before. He put the gel and the ultrasound appeared on the screen as soon as the sensor touched my belly. "There is the head, right down to tenge toes." The doctor pointed out. I couldn't keep a smile off my face. I looked up to Matt who was staring at the screen if our little baby, I'm sure tears formed in his eyes. "So, are you hoping to find out what sex your baby is?" We looked at each other.
"Yes, I want to know wether it's a she or he!" I grabbed Matts hand and before he got the chance to pull it away the doctor said " it's a boy". Then the tears ran down our faces and the doctor said he'll give us a minute because he needed to getting the scan photos. I took a deep breathe and I kept hold of Matts hand. "This is amazing" he looked at me "I didn't think that it would feel like this! I feel amazing!" I wiped the gel off my belly and out my top back down. I leaned up and hugged Matt. Our faces turned inwards and we slightly kissed. The doctor came in so we quickly separated. "So far, you have a healthy baby boy!" The doctor smiled at he gave us a few scan pictures. I ripped one off for Matt to keep and put the rest in my pocket.

Afterwards we both went back round to my house and ordered a pizza. It was around 12;30pm.
We both snuggled up on the sofa eating pizza. All of a sudden Matt asks "what are we going to call him?" I looked up at him and smiled.
"I'm not sure to be honest, I have a few names in mind."
"Ty, Isaac or Jackson" I suggested.
"Yeah, I like the name Jackson!" He agreed.
"I can see it, Jackson Cruise" I suggested, Matt looked at me and smiled and kissed me.
"I'm so sorry about the way I treated you, I was just a coward and was afraid!" He admitted.
"Afraid of what?" I asked.
"Falling in love" he kissed me again and the kiss got intense. We must have been kissing for ages and I wanted to do more but I couldn't! I took off his top and his tanned moist body was revealed. I kissed his belly and went upwards toward his neck and back onto his lips. I wanted to undo his belt but I knew I couldn't. It was so hard having to pull away from such a hot body and face! "Urg! Wish we could go further!" I admitted.
"I have that same feeling but times by 100!" We laughed and I just relaxed over his belly.
"I want to show you my room!" I decided.
"Fine by me" I grabbed his hand and led him up to my room. "Nice, cosy" he said.
"Just look" I faced my mirror and took off my top. I stood sideway and showed him my bump in the mirror. He walked towards me and out his two hands on my bump and bent down to kiss my belly.
We spent the next few hours on my bed talking about how cute are baby is going to be and wether to give him a middle name or not. The whole time we were talking he was shirtless and so was I, luckily I had a bra on, but it was so hard being around Matt while he was like this.

I looked on my phone and it was 3:26. "Shit! Matt!" I shoved him.
"What's up?" He wondered.
"Look at the time, Jason's going to come home any second now!" I ran downstairs and put the loom on the door to buy is some time. I cleaned up the living room and Matt put his shirt back on. The bell rang and they were outside, they had keys but they know I'm in.
"Go to my room quickly, get under my bed or something!"
"Maybe it a time they found out?" He suggested.
"not yet!" I said, so he ran to my bedroom.
"Hello!" I opened the door to my mum, brother and sister. "Where's Mike?" I asked.
"Just getting some shopping we did out in the car" she told me. When Mike came in and shut the door I yelled "I'm having a boy!" My whole family were smiling and saying congratulations. I was so happy to have such a supportive family.
"I'm so glad you're having a boy ,Em" Jason gave me a hug.
"Thanks!" I said to everyone. After that; I went back to my room to see how Matt was. "Matt? Matt?" I whispered. He appeared from underneath the bed.
"You have to go" I said.
"You'll have to climb out the window" I pointed to the windows.
"As if, he went and looked outside the window before attempting to climb out. He grabbed the vines near my window and made his way down, then looking up and waving at me before running away .

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