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No pov

Today is the day that Jinxx and Jake are getting married. It's been roughly a year and half since Jake proposed. Right after Jaxx was born, they immediately started planning. I'll tell you right now, they've never been more nervous to see each other.

They decided that even though it is a big thing to do, they didn't have a best man or maid of honor. Just another bridesmaid and groomsman. It would have been too hard to choose. They did decide that Vivi would be the flower girl and Jaxx would be the ring bearer. (I tried to find what they would wear but I couldn't). They chose to just have a few childhood friends be groomsmen and bridesmaids because, if they chose their housemates (bvb and palaye) the ratio of boys to girls wouldn't be even. So they just chose to pick 2 male childhood friends and 2 female childhood friends each.

Jinxx pov

I'm getting married!! Holy fuck! I'm marrying the man of my dreams in less than an hour!! What did I do to deserve this amazing man? The man I have son with! He's the man I want to spend my days with.

Anyways, everyone is now ready. Jake is gonna go to his place in like five minutes. I haven't been this nervous ever!

No pov
Skipping straight to vows and I do's

Jinxx: honestly Jake, I'm surprised you've stayed with me all this time. But I'm so glad you did. Whenever I was I at a really low point, you always can cheer me up. And I'm pretty sure it confuses everyone. When I'm upset about something, nothing is pulling me out of that dark pit of sadness, except you. I love you and our baby Jaxx more than anything in the world.

Jake: I remember when we came out to our fans, you were terrified. Understandable. I remember when I grabbed the mic and said that we're gay and together. Everyone in the audience flipped out in a good way, making your nerves go down a little. Then I saw the words cross through your eyes, you said "fuck it." And you walked over to me and kissed me. Ever since I met you, I knew that one day, I'd be calling you my beautiful husband. I love you Jinxx.

"Do you Jeremy, take Jake as your lawfully wedded husband?"
"I do."
"Do you Jake, take Jeremy as your lawfully wedded husband?"
"I do."
"With the power invested in me, I now pronounce you husband and husband. You may kiss."

With that Jake grabs Jinxx by the waist and pulls him into a loving his. When they pull away, Jinxx is in tears. "We're married! Holy crap! I'm married to my dream husband!" He said and buried his head in Jake's neck. "Yes we are. I can finally show pictures of you and say 'that's my husband'." Jake replied hugging his now husband. Jaxx runs up and pulls on Jinxx's pants, wanting to be held too. "Mama! Me too!" "Ok bubba come here." He says and picks up the toddler and walks down the isle, hand in hand with Jake.

Everyone piled onto the dance floor to party a little before eating. Only about ten minutes in, Jinxx had to go out Jaxx down for a nap. When he came back Jake was 'twerking'. "What the fuck are you doing?!" He laughs. "Having fun!! What does it look like?" Jake quickly responds.

A little while later, they did the whole 'garter toss' and 'bouquet toss'. Jinxx had a little red garter over his pants. Jinxx threw the bouquet and his childhood best friend phoebe caught it. After that they did their first dance. But of course, Jaxx woke up right before, so he stood on Jake's feet and danced with them.  There song was
Thinking out loud by Ed Sheeran

After their dance. Everyone joined for a little while longer. Then they all went to eat. They did a little taco bar, with some vegan choices of course. Which everyone seemed to love.

After dinner they cut the cake and everyone enjoyed that too. No cake was thrown at this wedding.

"Honeymoon time!" Jake yells and grabs Jinxx's hips. "Where are you going again?" Andy asked. "France." Jinxx smiles.

Once they get ready to head to the airport, Jaxx realized they're leaving and started bawling. "It's ok buddy, we're gonna be back. We're only gonna be gone one week. You'll be with uncle Andy and aunt Rya and the rest of the crazies. I promise we'll be back." Jake said softly with a smile. He seemed to calm down a little hearing that. "Sebastian, I'm counting on you to make sure my baby doesn't get hurt. If I come home and he has diabetes or any kind of cast, I'm blaming you." Jinxx said sternly. "Ok, nothing's gonna happen." Sebastian replied.

With that they head off to beautiful Paris, France.

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