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Andy pov

It's my wedding day!!!! I'm getting married to the love of my life today! Holy shit, I'm nervous. We all got the venue a few minutes ago. Me, Sebastian and the guys all went to our dressing room, while the girls went to there's. Our suits are all here already. I dropped them off last night. Mine is black and red. Sebastian's is black and white. Our groomsmen, they're all wearing matching dark grey suits. Emerson's is a bit fancier than the rest because he's the best man.

"Andy you go get dressed first, then me. We'll alternate turns in the bathroom." Sebastian said. "Alright. I can't believe I'm putting this on for real this time. Not just waiting for the day. TODAY IS THE DAY." I laugh and make my way into the bathroom and get changed. Once I come out, Seb goes in. I sit down to get the little bit of makeup I'm wearing put on.

Rya's pov

"Rya, is Vivi ready?" My childhood best friend Chloe asks. "Yeah she is. I just have to do her hair." I responded. "I'll do it, you go get ready." She said. "Thank you, Cam come help me get in this thing!" I yell for another friend of mine. Once I get the dress on, I go get my hair and makeup done. Everyone in here is ready. I don't know about the boys though.

Andy pov

"You ok Jinxx?" I asked, sitting next to him while he throws up. That's what friends are for. "Yeah.. I'm ok. Let's get going. It's almost time for you to get married." He said and got up and washed his mouth out.

No pov

"Ok Andy and Sebastian, I'm gonna have you stand on this side of the wall, one on each side of the hallway. Girls, Reach around the corner and grab your grooms hand. You boys should only be able to see the opposite bride." The photographer says. They're get some photos done before the ceremony. Seb looks back just enough to see Rya. "Oh my goodness sissy!!! You're so pretty! I'm so proud of the woman you've become! Larisa, I'll see in a minute baby." "I'm so excited to see Rya! I love you so much. Let's go get married!" Andy says.

Andy and Sebastian are at the end of the isle, waiting for their brides. Vivi walks down last, throw flowers. She's a smart little toddler. Then they turn the corner and stand at the opposite end of the isle. Andy immediately brakes down. Sebastian tried to keep himself together the best he could but failed miserably. Seeing how happy the boys were made both Rya and Larisa start crying.

Everyone stands and they walk side by side to their soon to be husbands. "I can't believe this happening." Rya whispered to Larisa. "Pinch me, I'm dreaming." Larisa responds with a small laugh. They get to the end of the isle and their grooms take their hands.

"Ladies, gentlemen, non-binary folk. We are gather here today to celebrate the love between Larisa and Sebastian, and Andy and Rya. I'm not going to do all the talking here. Let's just skip to your vows." The pastor says.

Seb: this isn't much but it's all I could come up with. I've already said everything I need to say.... Larisa, when I first met you I was just a wannabe rockstar. Ever since you entered my life, I've just been a better person, in every way possible. I want to spend the rest of my life writing love songs about you. I love you Larisa.

Larisa: seb, this all started with me being a friend of you sister's. Now look at us, double wedding with said sister and her second half. Honestly when I met you, I thought you were a complete idiot. But I told myself that I would go in that first date. And by the end of that first date, you had told me that you're grandparents only knew each other for a week before getting married. I said "does this mean you're gonna marry me?" Ever since then I knew I wasn't going anywhere. I love you Sebastian.

Andy: warped tour 2015. That's when I fell in love you Rya. I watched as you climbed the stage. I was so fucking scared for you, but eventually I realized that was just what you did. When you came out to me, you're exact words were, "Andy I'm trans, I'll understand if you want to leave me now. I mean nobody wants me." I didn't leave. I told you that I wasn't going to leave because you are being yourself. You're my everything, we'll I mean you and Vivi. But you know what I mean. I want to spend every last second I have alive with you.

Rya: short and simple. Andrew, you're my soulmate. We all know this. My twin flame. I have so much love for you, it hurts. So take it. I love you.

"Alrighty, repeat after me. With this ring"
"With this ring"
"Is my symbol of love"
"Is my symbol of love."
"For today, tomorrow, and all the days to come."
"For today, tomorrow, and all the days to come."
"Wear it as a sign of what we promised today."
"Wear it as a sign of what we promised today."
""And know that my love is present,"
""And know that my love is present,"
"Even when I am not."
"Even when I am not."

"Ok now exchange your rings." Rya puts Andy's ring on him. Larisa puts Sebastian's ring on him. Sebastian put Larisa's ring on her finger. And Andy being extra, bows down as he puts Rya's ring on her finger.

"do you take your Grooms to be your husbands; to live together in the covenant of marriage? Do you promise to love them, comfort them, honor and keep them, in sickness and in health; and, forsaking all others, be faithful to them as long as you both shall live?" "I do." Rya and Larisa say at the same time.

"do you take your Brides to be your wives; to live together in the covenant of marriage? Do you promise to love them, comfort them, honor and keep them, in sickness and in health; and, forsaking all others, be faithful to them as long as you both shall live?" "I do." "Jinx, you owe me a beer." Andy laughs.

"With the power invested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife.. and husband and wife. Boys, kiss your girls!" The pastor shouts. Andy and Sebastian kiss there now wives at the same time, causing the entire room to erupt with cheers.

They went down to the ballroom to party before eating. Andy went over to his mom and got Vivi because apparently midway through the ceremony she ran over to Amy and Chris. "Andy honey! I'm so happy for you! Treat that girl right." "Mom! I have been for half a decade." "Son, where are you two going for the honeymoon?" His did said. "Fiji." He said with a smile. "Well, I better get back to my wife. Oh shit that's weird to say." He laughs.

After a while of partying and having the first dances, which there songs were

Andy and Rya:

Sebastian and Larisa:

They went to have dinner. Everyone piled into the dining quarters and ate. The two new married couples went up to cut the cake together. Andy was going to be nice, that is until Rya shoved an entire slice of cake in his face. "That wasn't very nice." He said before taking the paper plate in her and and slamming it up into her face. Sebastian just sat and laughed until larisa rub frosting on his cheek. "What did I do!?" "Nothing it just looked fun." "FOOD FIGHT!" Sebastian yells and throws a piece of cake a Larisa.

Once they were done being children. "We probably shouldn't have done that." Rya laughs. "I'm ok with that being the first thing we did as a married couple." Andy replied. "I love you husband." "I love you wife."

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