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A/N: PLEASE read the entire summary! It will make this so much easier on your brain. I highly suggest reading it, it would cut down SO MUCH confusion. 🖤

Andy pov

Palaye are on stage right now and I can tell Rya isn't well. She's tipping to the side a lot. It's not like she's rocking side to side along with the music. She's having a hard time standing.

Soon enough, Sebastian catches on to this, looks over to me and then back behind him to Emerson, receiving a nod from his brother. Sebastian grabs the mic and says, "ok guys, we only have one more song for you tonight. Mr. Doctor Man." The crowd cheers but Rya whips her head toward him and nearly falls over in the process. She nods for them to start playing and they did.

Once they finished playing the song, they said there quick goodbyes and walked off stage. I immediately ran over to Rya to make sure she was ok. "Sweetheart, sit down. You're sick and you're overwhelming yourself." "I'm fine Andy." She sighs and walks off slowly.

"Sis, please sit down. He's right, you're not well. You nearly past out on stage." Emerson says, trying to protect his big sister. "It's probably just my patches and the hormone imbalance. I'm fine." She replies and grabs a water bottle. "They're only trying to help, they care about you." CC says softly. "I said I'm fine! I don't need your help!" She snaps, causing everyone to jump back.

It must have drained her last bit of energy because she fell to the floor, too weak to hold herself up. "Rya!" I shout, running to her side. "Rya, you have a fever. This isn't a side effect, if it is it wouldn't be this bad. You're taking a week off, so am I. That is final. No questions asks." She was either too weak to say no, or she had come to her senses because she just nodded her head lightly, causing me to smile.

Once we got back on the busses, I had gotten her comfortable and started to make her some raspberry tea, it's her favorite kind. While it was brewing, I went and changed into a pair of basketball shorts and a tank top.  When I came back it was done, so I added a pinch of extra sugar and took my sweet girl her tea.

"Here ya go baby." "Thanks Andy.. I'm sorry for snapping at everyone earlier. I don't know what got into me." She said, looking down before having to get a tissue for her runny nose. I chuckled, "it's ok sweetheart. You like to be independent. That's a really good thing about you, but it is also a bad thing. You can handle things on your own, but when you need help, you refuse to ask for it. It doesn't make you weak, you're human. My human." I say kissing her cheek. "Get a room." Sebastian jokes. "Fuck you!" She yells back at her older brother teasingly.

We were all curled up in the lounge minding our own business when Rya speaks up. "Babe?" "Yes princess?" "I've been on patches for 2 months now, I'm thinking I'm gonna need to to tell the fans soon. Like in the next interview. What do you think." She says looking up at me. "If that's what you decide to do, I'll support no matter what. You're my girlfriend, it's my job to be your right hand man." "Thank you." "For what, baby?" "Everything." She said smiling as she curled into my side.

"Wanna play Mario Kart?" Jake asks, holding up some controllers. We all agreed to play a few games and then go to bed. Not even one round in, Rya fell asleep in my lap. I past my controller to Lonny and got up to take my princess to bed.

Once I got her in bed, I ran back to the kitchenette to grab a washcloth. I ran it under cold water and rang it out and then ran back to bed. I very carefully placed the cloth on her head to try and get her fever to go down a bit. When I was little my mom always did that to me and it worked so, let's hope this works.

I curled under the covers and Rya immediately cling to my side, resting her head on my chest. Honestly, if I get sick, I don't care, she'll be taking of me like I'm taking care of her right now. "Good night princess. I love you very much." I say quietly before dozing off.

The next few days were just like this, but anything to keep my one and only healthy. And no I didn't get sick in case you were wondering.

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