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A/N: HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! We did it! We survived the worst year of all time! Let's pray that 2021 is better! I wish you all good healthy and happiness♥️

6 months later

Rya pov

Today is the day. Today I am having my surgery. I'm getting rid of this unwanted dick of mine. Finally. I'm just packing some last minute things before Andy and I head out. I got some good snacks because hospital snacks, yuck. My good pillow, and a few other miscellaneous things.

I'm gonna be gone about a week. My brothers and Andy's band mates are gonna watch Vivi while we're gone. It's gonna be hard being gone for so long.

"Ready baby?" Andy asks, keys in hand. "Yes, I'm finally gonna be truly myself. Let's go so I can get it done faster."  I say with a smile. "Bye bye Vivi. Mommy and and daddy with be back in a few days, ok? Uncle seb and Em and aunt Larisa are gonna take care of you. I love you sweetheart." I say before heading out to the car.

No pov

Rya is sitting in the pre-Op room, waiting to go in for surgery. "I'm nervous Andy. What if they mess up?" She says quietly. "They're not gonna mess up sweetheart heart. This is what they do. Have some trust in them." Andy says sweetly, rubbing his thumb on my hand.

So I have a uterus. It's just not where it's supposed to be. Durning this surgery, they'll be putting it where it's supposed to be along with the gender reassignment. They said that in the future I might still be able to have kids, but the moving of my uterus might make it where I can't.

"Hello Rya. They're ready for you. I'm just gonna check your vitals one more time and double check that your IV is in correctly." A nice nurse says, pressing some buttons on some machines. "All good, Andy you can walk back with us until the red line on the floor. Would you like to?" She asks Andy. "Yes please."

They walk the long bright white hallway, when they get to the red line they stop. "I love you Rya. I'll be by your side when you wake up. Be brave."  He kisses her. "I love you Andy. I'll be mad if you're not the first thing I see when I wake up."  She said. "Ok, I'll be sure to be there." "Bye Andy!" Rya shouts as she's wheeled away. "Bye I love you!" Andy shouts before the surgery room door closes.

"Ok Rya. We are all set up. When you're ready, I'll put the mask on you and have you count backwards from 10. Then the next thing you know, you'll be waking up." The anesthesiologist says. "Ok... I'm ready." She sighs. The doctor puts the mask on her. "Ok sweetheart, count back from ten for me, ok?" "10, 9, 8,-." She was out.

Andy pov

It's been about 6 hours and I'm starting to get worried. They said that it would only be about 4 and half hours. What if something went wrong? What if she died on that operating table? I wouldn't be able to raise Vivianne on my own!

I was taken from my thoughts when the same nurse that got Rya ready for surgery, tapped me on the shoulder. "Andy, she's out of surgery. She's not awake yet but I remembered that she wanted you there when she woke up." She smiles. "Oh thank god! I thought something happened to her. Can you take me to her?" I jump up and hug this nurse, because I had scared myself so bad. "Yes of course. From what I've heard, everything went to plan." The nurse says, leading me down the long hallway. "Here you are. When she wakes up, tell one of the nurses ok." "Ok, thank you so much." I responded before walking over to Rya's bedside.

I sit down and slide my hand under hers. Her fingers immediately intertwined with mine. So she is either starting to wake up or it's just muscle memory.

 So she is either starting to wake up or it's just muscle memory

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(Just imagine the tattoos are there)

Not long after, her eyes flutter open. "Hey baby. You did it. It's all done. I'm so proud of you right now." I say and kiss her hand. "I did it. I'm actually a girl now!" She smiles weakly. "You've always been my best girl. Well now I have two, you and Vivi."

No pov

It's been a day and Rya is in her room she'll be in for the next week. Andy slept on the recliner that was next to her bed. "How'd you sleep?" She asks him. "Alright. My back is gonna be dead later though." He laughs. "I told you that you could sleep with me." "No, you need your space right now." Andy quickly responds. "I'm gonna do some editing." He said and grab his backpack. He reached for his laptop and pulls out another item with it.

"What's that?" Rya asks, referring to the small box in his hand. "Oh, this? Well... I've been thinking for a long time now. We've been together for 4 years now. We have a daughter together. It really got me thinking. I want to spend the rest of my life with you Rya." He says and opens the box, revealing a ring.

"Will you make me the happiest human in the universe and, marry me?" Andy asks, starting to tear up

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"Will you make me the happiest human in the universe and, marry me?" Andy asks, starting to tear up. "Oh my god Andy... Yes I'll marry you. This is the most beautiful ring ever." She says crying a little. He slid the ring on her finger and kissed her passionately.

"Congratulations you two." A nurse says, hesitantly walking in. "Oh hello. Thank you. When did you get in here?" Rya chuckles. "I walked in mid proposal. I stood in the doorway as quiet as I could, I didn't want to ruin the moment."

"We're engaged Andy! Holy shit, I never thought you'd do it." Rya says. "Hey, I've been planning. That's why it took so long. I wanted to do it here because you're happy about fully transitioning. I thought it would work out, because you always question if I still love you after you came out. Well. Now we're gonna get married, so that should be enough proof." Andy explains. "You did good." "I did good."

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