I thought back to his past. He opened up to me about how his dad left and how he would cry on holidays and birthdays because he wanted his family together.

"Why can't we all be together?" She asked so innocently

"What do you mean?" YoonGi asked while he was clearing away her tears.

"Soobin says that her parents get together on holidays. Her mommy, dad, daddy and Appa. They all go on vacation as a big family. She gets to see her brothers and sisters too. Why can't we do that too? Please daddy. Please Yoonie" she sobbed into YoonGI's chest

"Love bug you want to see papa?" I asked

"Yeah. You, me, papa, Yoonie and Kookie" she replied

"Who's Kookie again?" YoonGi asked

"He lives next door remember. He got me the play set after his dog ate my swing. He's really nice and I think he and Papa fancy each other, like you and daddy. If you and daddy get married and papa and Kookie get married then I'll have four daddies." She beamed with pride

Leave it to her to see the bright side of things.

"That's a lot of daddies" I laughed

"Yeah but you'll all be mine. Sissy's will only get two daddies but papa and Kookie and can be their uncles." She said sternly

When did she get this mature? She really is a wonder.

"Can we see papa? I accidentally left stuff at his house. He helped me pick out gifts for you, Yoonie and sissy's" she smiled

"Gifts? For me?" YoonGi asked

"Yeah papa said your family now. And since you're my family you needed gifts. I like you now and I'm happy you're my other daddy. Papa helped me get something you like and he wrapped it in pretty paper." She smiled and hugged him.

I felt like a shit bag. My ex husband took time to help pick out stuff for me, my boyfriend and my new kids and I didn't get him anything. We may be divorced but he's still a big part of my life because we share a kid.

"Wow your papa is really nice." YoonGi said

"Daddy how come we didn't get papa anything?" She asked innocently.

Instantly mine and Yoon's face paled.

"Oh no I forgot all about Miss Princess. She's upstairs all alone!" Dewon yelled as she ran to her room to get her favorite doll

"Well I feel like shit." YoonGi sighed


"Because your ex is literally perfect. When ever Dewon asks to get something for the babies, tae goes out and helps her find stuff. He doesn't have to do that. And he got me a gift. Me. I broke his nose and basically stole his husband and he still went out to get something got me even if it's technically from Dewon"

"Yeah that's just how he is" I smiled as I remembered our 5th date. Tae's always been a kind soul. On that date our waiter was terrible. Seriously the worst. And tae gave her a $100 tip. I was awed because I wouldn't have given her a dime.

He explained how she must be having an off day. She looked tired he has heard her mention something about a kids birthday.

When she saw the cash, she ran after us once we left because she though we dropped the money.

Tae explained that it was her tip. She cried and apologized for how rude she was. She was having a difficult day. Her son's 3rd birthday was that weekend and she didn't have enough money to buy him a cake or gifts.

Her ex refused to help because his new wife. This complete stranger told tae her life story. And he just hugged her. Reassured her that everything would be okay.

He went back to that restaurant 2 weeks later and spoke with the girl. She looked half dead from all the extra shifts she was working. He asked for her resume.

She was a smart girl. Had a degree in business but stayed home to care for her baby. Then her husband left her for a younger woman and no business place would hire her due to lack of experience so she settled for what she could.

Tae sent a copy to his father and an interview was set up the following day for a position at his company. And now Yuri is a Chief executive, she's married to a doctor, her son is 10, she has a 6 year old and a 4 year old.

I snapped back to reality when I felt Dewon tugging on my arm.

"So you're okay with that?" YoonGI said

I have no idea what he was saying. I zoned out when I was thinking of Tae

"I'm sorry what?" I asked

"Having Tae and his sort of boyfriend come over. The two of you have the rest of your lives connected to each other because of D and that little girl deserves a proper holiday"

"Um yeah they can come over. Maybe invite the Kim's too that way D has someone to play with. Also knowing Tae, Jimin will probably tag along. His the divorce the man can't stand me. so be prepared for him too."

"What's a holiday with our drama. Your ex, his boyfriend, my ex step brother. If only I was able to drink some wine" YoonGi laughed

"Hey are you going to be okay? I'm assuming they don't know about your past and I don't want any negativity memories coming back" I asked while holding him on my arms

"I'll be fine. They think I'm a bitch anyway. It my fault-"

I immediately cut him off "what happened to you wasn't your fault. A poor excuse of a man took advantage of you. If you want to shed light on what really went down then it's your right to do so. If you don't want to open up you don't have to. But you need to stop feeling guilty. You did not ask for sex. You tried to push him away. I investigated what happened to try and find this guy to put him away and your medical records states clearly that you were drugged. The police have your statement from when you were a kid and they have your collection kit on file. When we find that bastard we will put him away for good."

"You looked at my files?"

"Yes I know it was an invasion of privacy but I want to help. I want this man off the streets. I want to be here for you." I explained

"Thank you. This means a lot. And thanks for believing me"

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