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"Taemin get up you couch potato. Dad called and said he wants to have breakfast with you"

"Why he knows I'm not a morning person." he groaned

"that's the exact reason. now I would join but Jimin wont let me get out of this morning meeting" I laughed

"Wait you work with Jimin? How is he? what's he been up to?"

"Why don't you meet us for lunch and you can ask him yourself" I winked

"hey what was that for?"

"I'm not stupid, I know you have a thing for Jimin since he turned 17. Even he has a thing for you too but you didn't here it from me." I laughed

Jimin is my best friend. He know's everything there is to know about me. The two of us have been through so much together. The worst would have to be his ex-step brother. God we both hated him. He was always so mean to us but somehow he was able to woo Taemin. That good for nothing Ex boyfriend hurt Taemin so badly that he ended up having to repeat a year of high school.

When that happened Mini's dad promptly divorced his wife and she took her good for nothing son with her. That guy was 8 years older than us and he would constantly harass us.

Taemin was there to protect us so I don't understand why he even bothered to date that guy. It took everything in me to not to punch that guy when I saw him again at a party at Jin's house.

Instead I decided to save face and act like nothing was wrong. I couldn't do something they could ruin my relationship with Hobi.

"Wait he likes me? Since when" Taemin asked

"Since the 6th grade. It was really awkward hearing my best friend talk about my brother like that."

"Tell me more about him"

"Well he only dated one guy but they broke up years ago when that guy tried to hit him. But he didn't really like the guy, heck he's still pining over you and like I said you didn't hear it from me" I laughed

"Wow, I need to go shopping I have to find something to gift him"

"Okay explain all that to dad when you miss his breakfast. I have to go to work. Just leave everything and I'll clean it later. There's a fresh toothbrush in my bathroom" I laughed


"Minnie I have the best news for you. Someone special is coming to lunch with us" I said happily

"If it's your husband that's not special he's always around and the  two of you make eyes at each other while I'm the hopeless third wheel" he fake cried

"Sadly I'll be the third wheel here. Taemin will be joining us for lunch"

"Wait Taemin as in your brother, as in my long time crush?" He gasped

"Yes that Taemin. He'll be here for lunch"

"I have been blessed. Damn let's cancel the meeting. I need to go home and shave my legs"

"Um why?" I ask

"Because I intend to woo him and take him to bed. He may be your brother but I don't care. I haven't gotten any in years." Jimin laughed

"Oh god I don't want to know what you two do"

"All I'm saying is that you need to be prepared to be called uncle. I'm not getting any younger and I'm not preventing anything. Now shoo off I need to go home and freshen up"


I barely spent time at the office. Those two didn't even think to go home before they started attacking each other's faces. It was like two animals going at it.

I'm highly disturbed. But who am I to judge. When I got married Hobi and I had sex everywhere (including inside of Jimin's office)


When I finally reached home I realized it was too quiet. Again my husband and daughter are out the house. I miss them so much. I hate that I haven't seen them for a while. Does that make me a bad father?

I spent my time cleaning up the mess Tae left here. My brother can be such a pig. He could have at least cleaned up after himself instead of leaving his clothes all over the place.

When I went to clean our room I found a folded note on our bed. The last time a note was left on our bed was when I told him I was pregnant. It brought back terrible memories because 3 weeks after telling him I suffered a miscarriage.

I wiped my tears and read the note

Hey love
We're at the Kim's
See you soon

It's a sweet note. I can't wait to see my family. I just miss them so much and maybe this will be a good time to tell them about this pregnancy. I waited to tell Hobi because of what happened last time. Now that I'm 12 weeks I'm more confident with this pregnancy.

I can't wait to see the look on everyone's face when I share the good news.

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