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I felt disgusting.

I spent the entire day reliving the stuff I did last night and the things I did this morning.

Even if Tae was the one that was cheating how could I stoop so low and do the same? I'm still married and even if he broke my heart I did the one thing I would never do.

How could I commit this vile act? Was Tae really worth me losing my self respect for?

God I hate this man even more now. His actions caused me to drink and it led me into the bed of another.

And it's not like I could forget what happened. I slept with YoonGi. He's one of my best friends and he works for me.

We met when he changed schools during his last year of high school. Apparently something happened with an old boyfriend and he needed a clean start.

We went ended up going to college together and when I build my company he was there by side.

When I married Lisa he was there to support me emotionally because she had been my first relationship and everything about being with someone scared me. When she cheated and left me I was broken. YoonGi helped pick up the pieces.

When Dewon was born it was heartbreaking. Lisa didn't even allow me near my own child because we got approved to be divorce.

She told me how I wasn't Dewon's father and that I should go. Of course we did a DNA test that proved she was mine. And then Lisa just left.

My daughter was alone in a darkened hospital room and her mother was gone. I filed for sole custody and the judge approved it.

Parenting alone was difficult but YoonGi, Joon and Jin helped me. Jin more than most because he has already given birth to his second child by then.

When Tae came alone I was happy. Without questions he stepped up and helped me raise my child. Our child.

And now here I am feeling disgusted. Disgusted that Tae cheated on me. Disgusted at myself for cheating. I hate this.

I gave Yoon the day off because he was too sore to come in. God I still can't believe that happened.

I still can't get those images out of my head. Seeing Tae in the arms of another man. What did I do for this to happen? Was he unhappy? Was he finally realizing that caring for Dewon was too much?

I know Lisa recently started up again with her social media bashing. Did that send Tae over the edge?

I blocked his number because I just couldn't deal with him today. I would lose it if he tried to act normal towards me as if he didn't cheat on me. He probably fucked that guy in his office. I wonder how long they've been doing that.

Was he the guy calling at 2am to talk to to Tae? Was he the person that was sending his emails at all hours of the day? I know Tae said it was clients from the publishing house but after seeing what I saw, was Tae even telling the truth?

I had ask Jin to take Dewon to school and asked if he could pick her up. I didn't want her to see me and Tae argue if he was home.

When I entered our apartment, of course he wasn't here. He was probably off "working" late again.

I walked around the apartment and everything just made me numb as I packed bags for my daughter and I.

There was a new unwrapped tooth brush on the bathroom counter.

There was a T-shirt that didn't belong to me on the sofa. I remember that shirt. It belonged to that man.

There was the smell of a strong musk Cologne radiating from the sofa. Is this where they had sex? He really brought another man into our home.

There were some of my clothes that I know I didn't wear in the laundry room. They smelled of that same cologne. Not only did they fuck on our sofa Tae had the audacity to let him wear some of my clothes. What a fucking slut.

I can't do this alone. I can't confront him alone. I might lose it. To think I felt guilty for sleeping with YoonGi meanwhile my husband was doing the exact same thing.

I left a note telling him to come find me at Jin and Joons. If I'm around my friends this will be easier for me. I won't have to worry about a physical altercation.

When I go to their house I was a wreak. I tried not to cause too much of a fuss because Jin is pregnant with baby number 4

"Well the good news is that since there is proof of the infidelity, my law office believes that on less than a month it'll be finalized. The only thing would be the assets and Dawon" Jin explained

"Excuse me what do you mean Dawon?"

"Well no matter what he did, he was the one helping helping you raise her for the lash 6.5 years. He's the only papa that she knows. You can't exactly rip her away from him"

"So what do you suggest?" I asked

"2 - 3 weekends a month and maybe 2 weeks on the summer. I know he's not her biological parent and he didn't adopt her but it seems fair. It's ultimately up to you" Jin suggested

"You're right. I can't have my daughter suffer because Tae is a slut. Just have me sign whatever. I want this over with as soon as possible"

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