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Fuck fuck fuck. How could this have happened? I should have stayed home like I said I would. Instead I took a last minute meeting with possible investors.

Much to my surprise one of the investors was Tae's boyfriend. Great. The last thing I need is for my ex husbands new boyfriend to mess with me.

But surprisingly he was the most down to earth one of them all and gave me good advice. He even said he was interested in helping with the growth of my company.

But even with that news I still feel so freaking guilty.

I had over 50 text messages and 20 missed called for YoonGI

I figured it was about the babies. I screamed at my temporary secretary because I had made it clear that if YoonGI called he was to be put through immediately. Instead of doing what I had explicitly asked, she sent him right to voice mail.

She called or a mistake.

A mistake? How? Obviously between my cell phone and office phone with that amount of calls and messages there must've been an issue.

Everyone in this office knows that he was due to give birth anywhere from Christmas to January 4th

They bitch got fired on the spot. How dare she take it upon herself to do something like that

I even had missed calls from Tae's phone. He was supposed to drop Dewon off at the house today.

What if something happened to YoonGI and Tae was the one that found him.

Is YoonGI okay? What if he's hurt or sick? My babies. What if my daughters were born or what if something happened to them.

I need to hurry and get home. I need to get to my family. YoonGI needs me. Our daughters need me.

When I got to my car the thing was covered in snow. I knew that we were having a snow storm but I didn't want to be late to the meeting so I park right in front of my company building instead of parking it in the underground garage because it would take longer to get to the meeting room.

I have no way of cleaning the snow off my car and digging it out since the snow plow pushed a good 2 feet of snow on the right side of my car. This is a terrible fucking day. I'm a terrible fucking father and boyfriend. Clearly what ever happened was big enough for Tae to call me, he only ever sends me text messages.

In a failed attempt to try and clean the snow off my car, I lost my left shoe somewhere in the snow and my pant legs are soaked.

Right as I was praying to whoever for help a car pulled up beside me

"Hey do you need a ride?"

Who ever is up there is messing with me. Of course the man that came to my aid is Taehyung's boyfriend. according to Dewon, her papa fancy's him, this guys has a nice dog and he lets Dewon help him cook in the kitchen and her friends think he's super cool. I internally roll my eyes at my daughters new favorite person.

I swear I don't have a problem with him but know that I know the truth about Tae never cheating on me, I'm pissed off that this is the man my husband, I mean ex husband picked. The man is rich, good with kids and he makes a handsome man like me look average at best.

"Are you sure? I love in the opposite direction as you"

"It's no problem. I have to pick up Tae anyway. He took a cab because his car is in the shop. congratulations by the way"

"Congrats for what?" I asked

"Oh Tae called me a few minutes ago to tell me that he, Taemin and Jimin had to help Yoongi through his labor at your house. Tae says the girls are beautiful"

"wait what? Yoon had the babies? Is he okay? Wait why were Jimin and Taemin there?" I half yelled while getting in the passenger side of the car.

"When the calls to emergency weren't going through he called Jimin. He worked as an EMT through college. I thought you would know that seeing as how you were married to Tae and Jimin is essentially his brother. Then Taemin tagged along." JungKook explained

Great. My innocent perfect hus- ex husband had a hand in delivering the children I made in an act of adultery with the man that bullied him. Even after everything this man is still too good for me.

The car ride was silent and honestly I wanted to get to know the man more. What did my Tae see in him?

"So what was your life like before you moved here?" I asked in an attempt to make small talk

"Nope we're not doing this" JungKook answered coldly

"Excuse me?" I huffed

"I don't want to know you, I don't care to know you. I already know what kind of man you are personally and I don't want you in my life. I'm only doing you a favor by investing in your business because your business is shit and I'd rather not have you be a deadbeat financially to Dewon and those new babies" He said while looking striaght ahead

"You don't know a damn thing about me. Just because you're fucking my husband doesn't mean a thing" I yelled

"first off Taehyung is not your damn husband. You're a complete scum bag that beat on a pregnant man and caused him to almost die. You killed your own son and I was there to help MY BOYFRIEND through his grief. I don't believe for a second that he would cheat on you and even if he did that doesn't warrant spousal abuse. But speaking of cheating, based off of YoonGi's due date seem's like you were the one who stepped out on him"

"H-He told you"

"Yes. We don't share secrets. I asked why he didn't have you sorry ass thrown in jail and he was scared that social services would take Dewon away since he's not a legal parent. Everything MY boyfriend does, he does with the intentions of making sure the daughter that you share is not harmed. I only offered you this ride because I love Tae and Dewon. The last thing I want is for Dewon to ask where you are and why I didn't bring you along since she knew I was visiting your place of work" He ranted

"Um wow" I responded

"Yes. now if you can kindly not talk or even breathe too loud during this drive I'd really appreciated it"

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