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When I told my family how I was getting more days with Dewon they were ecstatic. My 4 days a month went to 12 days.

It's still not as much as I want but it's more than before so I'm extremely grateful.

Hoseok and YoonGi had they're own party for Dewon while we took her to this extraordinary hotel that have a private pool with a slide at the penthouse. All she wanted was to be treated like royalty so i made sure my baby girl got the royal treatment.

Taemin said his best friend owned the place and let us have the penthouse suite free of charge. Of course we paid for the food and luxury packages because I wasn't about to take advantage of a strangers generosity.

Dewon invited her friends which included Jin & Joons daughters Kwan and Mi-Cha. I may not like the parents but those babies are the sweetest things. They asked me to take a million photos of them so of course I did and I printed them out because they wanted to make a princess scrap book.

Another shocker was that she invited a boy. I wasn't shocked that she invited a boy but I was shocked when I found out that boy was the son of my divorce lawyer. What a coincidence.

I got to know Jackson better as well as his husband Mark. Turns out Mark went to the same business school at Taemin. They asked if their daughter Jisoo could attend too. She was sad that her brother was getting a princess weekend and of course I said yes. She's was 4 and there was no way I could deny someone a princess weekend.

I even invited them to tag along because I could tell they were nervous about having their babies away for a weekend. Plus they were the only parents of these kids that I didn't really know to well so of course they wanted to know me more.

Their son Jae-beom was just as much of a diva as the rest of them. It was the cutest thing to see him with his tiara and his sparkle nails. I can see why Dewon called him her "bestest best friend ever"

Those two are basically a mini me and a mini Jimin.

I know for sure that those teen years are going to be something else. Jimin and I never dated but the two of us were always trouble makers. When Jimin saw them together he said he would send a few prayers to us. My parents and brother laughed and said that I will now have to deal with everyone Jimin and I did to them.

It was a nice weekend. The kids has fun and my parents even watched them for a while so that the Wangs, Jimin, Taemin and I could have an adult dinner.

I was honestly happy about the two parties because I can't bring myself to see him. He made my life hell and now he's the man that is carrying the kids of someone I still very much love.

Maybe I'm crazy for still loving him. Jimin seems to think I am. When he found out YoonGi was pregnant with my Ex's kids he was floored. Taemin just laughed.

Not a hysterical laugh like he thought it was a joke. It was the kind of "of fucking course" laugh. This isn't the first time YoonGi got pregnant by someone who was on a relationship.

I wonder if Hoseok knows about his past?

Since it's YoonGi, probably not but who are we to cause issues with them. He's stuck with that guy forever and unfortunately so and I since those babies are my daughters sisters. At least I have Jimin so that we can both shit talk YoonGi together.


It's been a month since Dewon's party. Today is also one of my days but I really want to spend today alone.

Today would have been my due date.

I'm having my parents pick Dewon up and spend the day with her.

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