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How fucking dare he? I can't believe what I'm seeing. I know it's happening in front of my eyes but I still can't fucking believe it.

I can feel my stomach trying to empty itself because the sight of what was happening is too much to handle.

He said he couldn't come home early because he had import stuff to do at work. The last few nights he's been working late and I haven't said anything because I know he works a demanding job as a publisher.

Clients are always asking for things to happen at crazy hours of the night and never once have I questioned when Tae was working late in the office or on the phone at 2 in the morning talking to someone while typing on his computer.

Dawon was so sad knowing that Tae won't be over for dinner. She missed him eating dinner with us. She's been asking me for the last few days to let her visit her papa because she misses telling him about her day at school and helping him cook dinner.

When we met Dawon was only a few months old. He spilled coffee on me. He said it was an accident but part of me likes to think he planned it so that he had a reason to talk to me.

He took me home and I passed out on his sofa and he spent his day caring for my daughter.

When I truly saw him I was captivated. Since they day he has helped me raise her like his own.

When she was 2 years old and he proved that he wasn't going to leave me, I finally asked him to marry me. I thought that was the happiest day of my life because I can finally found someone who loved me and my daughter.

We didn't want to wait and we eloped. It was me, him, Dawon and some random courthouse people. It was simple and perfect because all I really needed was them.

Today I realized I missed my shined too much. We barely saw each other this past week and I decided that we I going to surprise him with our daughter.

We waited at his favorite restaurant so that we could place a to go order and we brought dinner to his work.

Never in my life did I expect this to happen.

I was crushed. Dawon of course was happy because she was going to eat with her papa. She was obvious of what's going on. In her 7 year old mind she has the perfect life with the perfect parents.

And as she's twirling around in her new princess dress. I'm watching my husband hug on another man when he's supposed to be working. They're laughing together and he even ignored a phone call from me.

I can't believe he did this to me. To us. How do I explain to my daughter that her papa is a cheater? How do I explain to her that he won't be living with us anymore?


I dropped Dawon at the Kim's. They absolutely adore her and she loves playing with their 3 daughters.

I didn't even get a chance to explain what happened because I couldn't stop crying.

My heart was absolutely broken. Tae knew what my Ex did to me. He knows how I feel about cheating, yet there he was with another man when he was supposed to be working.

Now here I am at a bar. Crying yet again. I feel so pathetic. Am I that unloveable? I gave Tae everything and this is what he does to me.

I know there's an age difference. He was 18 when we met and I was 26. I thought that he was truly the one for me.

"Hey I don't see you around here often"

I looked to my left and I laughed. Of course YoonGi would be here. He's always at bars and clubs with his friends.

He's been my secretary since I started my company. He knows the ins and out of everything. He knows about my ex everything about Tae.

"Let's just say my second marriage is ending just life my first" I laughed

"No fucking way. Innocent little TaeTae" he said in shock

"Yep. I even took photos. They don't show his face but I saw what he looked like. They're were hugging and that man is even kissing him on the cheek. I already asked Jin to draw up papers."

I tossed my phone at him and watched his face as he scrolled through the photos. Even he was shocked to see what happened.

"Wow I can't believe Tae would do that? Do you know the guy?" He asked

"Nope. Do you know anything? I know I send you on errands that bring you to his office. Did you a guy around him before? What if this is an old boyfriend?"

"Nope I can't say that I have." Yoon replied

"I'm so fucking broken. You have no idea. I feel like I can't even breathe" I cried

"Hey let's get out of here. You're too drunk to be out in public and you don't want your daughter to see you like this" he said

"She's at Joon and Jin's. I can't go home. He'll be there. I don't want to see him." I cried as he pulled me into his chest

"Fine you can stay at my place. And then in the morning we can collect her and get that cheater out your apartment" he replied

"Thank you YoonGI. You're really the best"

"Anything for you" he replied


My head is fucking throbbing. My mouth feels dry and my body is sticky with swear. 

Where the fuck am I? This isn't my apartment. How did I get here?

I rolled over and I was met with a warm body. What the actual fuck?

"Hey" he whispered

"YoonGi? Why and I in your bed?" I asked

"You don't remember anything from last night?" He asked

Suddenly like a title wave everything came back to me. Seeing Tae with that man. Getting drunk at a bar. Coming home with YoonGi. Kissing him. Undressing him. Having sex.

Fuck I cheated on my husband.

"Hey hey what's going on through your head?" He asked

"I don't know. Everything. I cheated on my husband. I had sex with my best friend"

"Hey we talked about it. He cheated first. Plus you're getting a divorce. What ever this is, we don't have to label it. I can help you get through all of this."

Do I want this? I mean it's not like we'll be a thing. Just something to help me get through this.

"Don't think. Just do"

Without a second thought. I pinned him down and we continued what we did last night.

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