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A baby. We're having a baby. The man that I am helplessly in love is pregnant. He's pregnant with my child and I'm so fucking happy.

This is the best news of my life. I love taehyung. I love being a parent to Dewon and now we're going to have a baby.

I just wish my uncles were here. They would have loved to see how far I've come. They would have been apart of this journey with me. They never had kids of their own but when they took me on they treated me like their son.

They would have loved Tae. I know they would have been overjoyed to hear the news about me having a baby. And I know they would have spoiled Dewon. That little girl would have so many people in her life that love and support her.

Part of me does feel jealous knowing that my uncles will never get to meet my her or my new baby but I'm happy that I've been able to make my own family.

Taemin, Jimin, Tae, Dewon, my future in laws. My family

Speaking of family, We need a house. We can't keep living on two separate houses. I mean yes we share a wall but they're it's not the same as living under one roof,

We need a place that will be big enough of all the kids we plan on having. Han Solo needs a yard to run in and I need to have Dewon's play structure moved. It needs to be close to her school so that we don't have to drive to far.

Should we sell our houses and used that money to buy a new house? Should we rent them out so that we have extra income and build a savings for the kids? I mean both are paid in full and I have more than enough money to spare to buy another house.

Waiting I'm having a child with taehyung. I can't make these decisions by myself. We need to sit down and talk about it. I don't want him to think I'm trying to control his life.

I'm not going to be one of those rich men that controls their boys friends life. Just the thought is sickening.

But still it won't hurt to just look at houses. Right?


Watching Tae do anything makes me happy.

When he's making coffee I think, he's making coffee while pregnant with my child.

When he's driving, I think he's driving while pregnant with my child. Of course this thought lead me to freak out so I bought him a new car. His old car wasn't up to the highest safety ratings. He refused the gift at first so being the business man that I am, I made a power point presentation as to why the car was a good investment.

Dewon was happy because it was big enough for us to carpool her and her friends places. She's such a diva but I wouldn't have it any other way.

I never knew happiness could feel like this

This man is amazing and he's given me so much. Other's might judge us for moving too fast but when you meet the love of your life you just know. There's no way that i'll letting this amazing perfect man go.

To think that in just a few month's we'll be welcoming our baby into the world.

I'm already another father to Dewon, but this is different. I'll be taking care of a tiny human. Dewon is already giving me pointers. she's practically an expert in being a big sister since the twins were born and now she's teaching me by showing me how to swaddle her dolls.

She's truly an amazing little girl. Her mother didn't deserve to be her mom, but now D has four dads. four dad's who will protect her and be there when she needs us.

"Kookie are you okay?" My amazing perfectly handsome soon to be husband asked

"Just thinking."

"About what?" he said with a tiny pout.

Damn that Pout is dangerous. if he wasn't pregnant already I would make him pregnant.

"About life. Raising Dewon, our new baby, getting a new house to fit all our future kids" I said

"you want a new house?" he asked

"yeah, I mean we can't live separately forever. and the way this place was built we can't tear down the wall to make it one. so a new house is a must. if we plan on having a bunch a kids, they need space."

I looked up and I saw him crying. Shit did I hurt his feelings? Did I say the wrong thing?

"Baby what's wrong? are you okay? is there's something wring with the baby? Do you have a craving?" I asked

"Kookie relax, these are happy tears. I would love to buy a house that will fit us and the million kids we'll have." he smiled


"yes really. our babies need space and I don't want to live apart from you. you're an amazing man and I'm so lucky to have you in my life." Tae said

"You're the one that's amazing. Damn I love you" I said while kissing him.

"Babe as much as I would love to continue this, D had ballet in 40 minutes and we have to go."

"Oh crap her tutu is still in the dryer!"

I ran off to the the laundry room to put the dryer on high to make sure it drys. I never thought I'd be praying to god to make sure a Tutu dries in time to leave, but this is my life and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Tae is my life. Tae is my home.

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