Chapter 31: Chaos

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Lena glared at her Mother as she stormed out of the conference hall.

"You know that you should help your Mother."

"Well, 'Mother', you are going to harm innocent people. You made a deal with Maxwell Lord?"

"Lena, we need to save our world."

Lena sighed. "No. The money wasn't even yours to share!"

"L-Corp isn't yours! Not anymore!"

"Actually, sister, I own it. You are just the boss here. In National City."

Lena sighed, knowing that she could not argue her way out of this. "What did you even do?"

"Mr. Lord wanted to be rid of the aliens, and so do we. He agreed to share money with us to accomplish it."

Lena had to get a message to the D.E.O..

"Oh, and I have good news! The government has given me the green light. I bought the Department of Extranormal Operations. They specialise in aliens. I heard that the director personally knows Supergirl."

"That's great, son!"

Lena was hoping that Alex knew of this and had a plan in mind.


Alex had heard the news.

Lex Luthor had bought over the D.E.O., but she had to help her sister.

This had to be the worst day. Could it get any worse?

"Supergirl, some Brainy just got some information. It seems that Lex Luthor's bought over the D.E.O., and Lord Technologies has partnered up with Luthorcorp."

"I figured. Wait, did you say 'Luthorcorp'?"

"Yep. Since Lex got out of prison, he's somehow managed to clear his criminal record and convince everyone that it was a hoax." Alex sighed.

Kara's voice buzzed on the other end, "How did he even get out in the first place?"

"I'm not sure. But right now, we need to focus on the task at hand. Since it is not an alien threat, the police may send down their investigative team to determine whose released the robot."

Kara sighed, "I think it's pretty clear that it's Lord."


Supergirl stared down at Red Tornado. She'd thought Maxwell Lord was now trustworthy . . . clearly not.

"Supergirl. Maxwell Lord has requested your presence."

"And why did he feel the need to send you to kidnap me?"

"Come with me now."

Supergirl scoffed, "How about . . . no?"

"Then I have been programmed to take you by force."

Valor looked at his partner, "I'd like to see you try . . . "

He took off, leading Kara as she punched Red Tornado. She sighed as she soared around her opponent.


Alex arrived at the scene as she watched the aerial battle happen.

She prayed that her sister would be able to successfully take down Red Tornado, even though her stomach roiled as she watched the battle.


Valor held back as Supergirl threw out a hand. She had been using her laser vision for a while now . . . and they were flying dangerously close to the sun.

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