Chapter 35: Trust Issues; Part 2

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Alex awoke in her cell to find Mon-El, clad in his Valor suit, bleeding and leaning against the wall in the cell Lena was in prior to her leaving.

They hadn't bothered to clean out his still-bleeding wound, and had only removed the bullet that was embedded in his skin.

As an agent walked past, Alex yelled and hit the door. Hard.

They turned and strutted toward Alex. "What."

That voice. So awfully familiar.

No way.

They had transferred Director Lucy Lane to this branch. "Do you recognise me?"

"No. Who the hell are you and why are you causing such a ruckus?"

Alex leaned over and whispered in the girl's ear. "It's Alex. Alex Danvers."

"That's . . . surprising."

She gestured to Mon-El, "Could you patch him up? Or at least cover the wound?"

"We're under orders not to-"

"Please . . . please . . . "

It was a voice Alex had never thought she'd ever use. A sigh. A plea.

"I'll see what I can do."


"Hey, Maggie, right?"

"Oh! You were the one who sent me that message to meet?"

"Yes. Listen. Alex has gone missing. Kara told me that Alex is stuck - trapped - in the D.E.O. and even she was unable to save her."

Maggie's heart stopped. "We have to get her out of there."

"I know."

"It pains me to say this, but . . . I still have . . . feelings for Alex. I don't want anything bad to happen to her."

"Then help me save my girlfriend."

It was a risky move, but Maggie Sawyer was the only one she could seek help from right now.


For her. He had taken that bullet for her.

That bullet, that was meant for him the entire time. And she left him.

Left him in the hands of the D.E.O., of Lex Luthor.

Kara stared out into the sunset, formulating a plan in her mind.

For him. For what came afterward.


Lena was unsure of whether or not to trust Maxwell Lord, but what other option did she have right now?

She plucked enough courage to walk up to her brother. "Lex."

"Yes, dear sister?"

Lena rolled her eyes, "I still hate you, you know."

"Isn't there someone you hate more?"

"Yes. Mother." Lena said as a matter-of-factly.

He growled, "Is there a reason you came to see me, sister? Or are you just here to infuriate me?"

"As entertaining as that would be, no. That's not the reason I am here." Lena paused for a breath, but continued before her brother could say anything. "Maxwell Lord said he wanted some information from one or two of our . . . captives . . . he has firmly insisted that he wanted the superhero Valor and Alex Danvers."

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