chapter two. daddy's little girl

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season one | episode one
That 70s Pilot
Point Place, Wisconsin
May 17th, 1976
8:47 pm
Location: Eric and Ever Forman's Basement

"Ever it is time," Hyde says looking at the half raven-haired, half blonde girl."Why do I have to go?" Ever asks looking at the group.

"Because you're daddy's little girl," Kelso says as Ever rolls her eyes. "Fine but I take daddy's little disappointment with me," she says as Kelso and Hyde nod.

"What? Why?" Eric asks confused. "So if dad catches us I'll just cry and say you made me," Ever says pulling Eric out of the basement. "And don't look at my dad's hair!" Donna yells as Ever gives her a thumbs up.

The two-run into the kitchen before Eric almost knocks their mom down. "Watch it, Eric. Hot pizza rolls," she says as Ever nods. "Sorry," she says before taking a roll and pulling her older brother away.

Ever picks up two cold beers from the table before putting them in her pockets. "That's why they're so deep," Eric says as she nods before walking away.

"I got two!" She says running down the stairs. "Two?! Why two?!" Hyde asks looking at the blonde. "You can have one," she says handing one to Hyde who smiles. "Thanks, little Forman," he says before opening it.

"I'm a year younger than you people stop acting like I'm a child," Ever says pointing at the group. "Stop bitching and look at this," Hyde says up a picture in a nudie magazine.

"I see that every day," Donna says looking at the picture. "Can I come over when you're looking at it?" Ever asks as Donna laughs. Suddenly Eric runs down with three beers.

"He's alive!" Hyde says as Ever laughs. "And good news. My dad is thinking of giving me the vista cruiser," Eric explains. "You're getting a car?" Kelso asks looking at the boy.

"Ohh, have I told you how incredibly attractive you are?" Donna asks looking at Eric. "You've told me a few times," Ever speaks up. "Shut it," Donna says as Ever laughs.

"Let's focus on what's important here, people. Forman and little Forman stole something. To them," Hyde says the raising is beer.

"You know what's sad? This is the proudest day of my life," Eric says as Hyde hugs him.

𝑠𝑤𝑒𝑒𝑡 𝑛𝑜𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑔, 𝑗𝑎𝑐𝑘𝑖𝑒 𝑏𝑢𝑟𝑘ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑡حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن