chapter forty five. take it from him

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Ever lays on her belly watching SpongeBob Squarepants in the basement, eating crisps and smoking weed with Hyde. He was sitting on his usual seat, watching her watch TV, waiting for her to say something. She hadn't spoken in two hours which was a record for her.

"I can't believe I'm saying this but open that big mouth of yours," she didn't even look at him, shoving her face into the pillow.

If there was one thing Ever prided herself on, other than her great hair, it would be her strength. She didn't cry easily, she didn't even cry at her grandpa's funeral, she was strong, sometimes she felt that was her greatest weakness.

"If it means that much to you, I can help you take it from him," He knew those words would trigger a response from her, an angry feminist response but still a response and right now that's all he could ask for.

"She's not a thing, she's a person," Ever sits up, picking the bag of crisps from the table.

"A real person made of flesh and blood, with feelings and thoughts—" before she could continue Hyde burst into laughter which didn't earn him any points with her.

"She has thoughts?" She hit him and when he tried to reach for the crisps, she pulled them away.

"And she's kind and talented—" he laughed again.

"Yeah, she's talented, look at my toes," she pointed at the different styles Jackie painted onto them. It was weird how easily she could paint hearts and stars and even cherries on them. Ever thinks if they gave Jackie paint, a brush and a canvas she might become the next Picasso.

"You really have your dogs out for free,"

"I'm in my house, who wears shoes in their house?" she groans, pulling on a pair of white socks with a cherry print on them.

"And she's smart, probably the smartest person I've ever met," Ever lays back, her head facing the ceiling when she feels Hyde sit down next to her.

"You know what Kelso says when he talks about her," she expects him to say something about how much he likes Jackie or even loves her.

"She has a great body, that's all he ever says about her. He talks about how beautiful she is, that's what he loves about her, what do you love about her?" Ever takes a long moment, putting everything into a little list but before she can say anything, Hyde slaps his hand over her mouth.

"Dont tell me, tell her,"

𝑠𝑤𝑒𝑒𝑡 𝑛𝑜𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑔, 𝑗𝑎𝑐𝑘𝑖𝑒 𝑏𝑢𝑟𝑘ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑡Where stories live. Discover now