chapter twenty eight. pie

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Ever sits next to Kate as the two sit at the dinner table. "Amen. Let's eat," Red says looking at the group. "Now, is everything on the table? I feel like I forgot something," Kitty explains. "Oh yeah. My will to live isn't here," Ever says looking at her mom. "That's been missing for a while. Something else," Kitty says looking around before the phone rings.

"Oh my God. I forgot your mother," Kitty says rushing up. Suddenly Eric and Laurie get up and rush out to get their grandmother. After a while, they get back but without Red's mom. "Where's gammy gam?" Ever asks drinking her juice. "She said she's going to Cousin Joel's for Thanksgiving," Laurie explains.

"That's not so bad," Red speaks up. "Actually, she said it's a shame that she can't spend what might be her last Thanksgiving with her family," Eric explains. "That's a real mood dampener. Nah, im too hungry to care," Ever explains.

After dinner Ever sits on her bed as she eats her pie. "I bought you some more pie," Hyde says walking into her room. "Yay," Ever says as he sits on her bed.

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