chapter fifty two. donna's on the pill

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The dinner table was quiet, too quiet. "Eric, what's wrong? You're not eating your dinner." Kitty was the first to notice that unlike Ever, Eric wasn't shoveling his mash potatoes in his mouth.

"Yeah, you look upset. Did something happen at the pharmacy?" Laurie looked from Eric to where Ever wasn't looking up from her food.

"Ever, did something happen?" Before the blonde could give an answer, Eric was piling his mash onto her plate, securing her silence. "Can't think of anything." She shrugged it off and Laurie glared at her but business was business.

"Eric, what happened at the pharmacy?" Red got into the conversation, "Nothing." Eric defendend himself before looking over at his older sister, "Shut up."

"Eric, you be nice to your sisters." Red watched as Eric put his meatloaf on Ever's plate. "I am being nice, look at me being nice."

"This is why you're my favourite." Ever pointed her fork at him and he waved it off with an awkward laugh."He's buying her silence." Laurie stabbed her food with her fork, rather violently.

"He doesn't buy her silence, she's just a little hungry." Red waved off the topic before moving on to the next one.

"Kitty, do you know what happened to the mail?" When the words left his lips, Laurie filled up Ever's glass with juice which she appreciated.

"I have no idea," Kitty's high pitched voice made Ever shove a fork full of mash in her mouth. "I think we might have a little mail thief." She giggled and Ever did the same, nearly choking when she washed her food down with juice.

"Speaking of, is that a letter from the University of Wisconsin that's sticking out of your bra, Laurie?" Eric quizzed as Ever's eyes searched for the letter before they went back to her brother.

"Why are you looking at her bra, you freaky little weirdo."

"You did the same!" Ever shrugged. "What are you two on about?!" Red slammed a hand on the table, the two teens going quiet.

"Donna's on the pill!" Laurie's cheery tone almost made Kitty choke on her juice while Ever rubbed her mother's back. "What did you do?" Red's gaze went to his only son.

"Dinner's over. You." Red got up, "Kitchen, now." He pointed at Eric and excused himself, Eric and their mother following after him.

"It's nice to see how easily your loyalty can be bought." Laurie got up, Ever remained in her seat, with her brother and sister's food in her plate.

"I didn't say anything during dinner, at all." That was true, Ever couldn't remember the last time she had been that quiet in her entire life.

"Pushover." Laurie whispered as she passed her sister.

"Whore." Ever whispered back before she picked up her plate, following Laurie to her bedroom. "What are you doing?" Laurie paused on the steps, watching Ever sip her drink.

"Nothing." Ever shrugged and passed Laurie, and went straight for her sister's room and lay on her bed. "Can you put on a film?" Was all she asked when Laurie came into her own room. "Fine, move over."

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