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Rex's pov
I'm peacefully sleeping when I can feel someone running their fingers through my hair.

"Uh... Ray it's too early... let me sleep more..." I mumble sleepily.

"I'm not dad uncle Rexy." A deep voice said.

I open my eyes and I can't believe! In front of me! My dear nephew! Alex!

"OH! MY! GOD! I miss you Alex!!!" I shriek as I tackle him in a hug! I can hear he laugh at my antics.

"Wow! You're already 23 but still acting like a kid?" He tease me but nevertheless still hug me back.

"I just miss my cute little nephew! Where is Sarah by the way?" I asks him after letting him go.

"She's in the living room. You should go and freshen up. " he said as he walk out of the room. I quickly jump up and run to the bathroom to freshen up and have an amazing day with my niece and nephew.

After done I literally run to the closet and almost fall down and crack my head open when at the fraction of second I manage to turn my body so that my back is the one that was scratch to the edge of the table beside my closet.

I wince in pain but I just shrug it off and proceed to wear my clothes. Today I feel like wearing a black t-shirt with ripped jeans. After done I walk quickly to the living room. I can see Sarah there.

"Saraaaah!!!!" I yell in happiness as I run towards her and engulf her in a hug.

"Uncle Rexy!!!! I miss you!!" She glee as she return my hug.

"You look as beautiful as ever!" I said after releasing her from the hug.

"Well thank you! You look handsome too!" She beam at me.

I lean closer to her and give a little kiss on her cheek. "Thank you!" I said to her.

"Hey! That's not fair! How come I didn't get that?!" We can hear Alex whine.

"Come here you big baby!" I said to him as I give a kiss to his cheek when I was suddenly being airborne from the scene. I look at this person back face full of confusion.

'This back looks familiar.' I thought.

I was gently thrown to the bed and I can hear a subtle click.

I look up and I can see Max in front of me. I look a bit surprise because why is he here?

Max's pov
I can feel myself fuming with anger when I see that he give a kiss to Alex. I know they are family but I just can't stand this!

"What are you doing here Max?" He asks me. I look at him and I can see he have this calm expression that I never see before.

"I'm here because I want to be truthful to you." I replied to him.

"About what? About how you almost kill me? Or is it about your dead boyfriend? Are you here to avenge his death? If you are please be my guest." He said calmly while maintains eye contact with me before laying his head on the mattress and closing his eyes as if he's ready to receive death.

"How did you know?" I asks him carefully. I look at him but he still close eyes.

"How I know? If Syah knows I will automatically know. I gotta admit it hurt a bit but what can I say. I'm just your friend. It's your life. Who am I to dictate?" He said calmly as if he doesn't care whatever happened to him.

"If that's the case, did you know why I even dated that bastard?" I asks him with voice full of disgust.

"Because he said I would be on the line. I know this because he sent to me all of the videos that both of you while you guys were having sex. " he said.

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