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Syah's pov

I'm staring blankly in my office. None of my work did I touch. I keep on thinking about a plan. I need to get out of here. I must. I know he's near. I need to go now. I can't let someone else clean up my mess. I'm so deep in thought I didn't realize Krist's face so close to mine.

"Syah..? Are you here?" he said as he lean closer to me. I flinch back and put my hand on my heart. 

"Oh Krist! I didn't hear you come in." I said as I sheepishly scratch my head. 

"I've been calling out your name for approximately 2 minutes now. What are you thinking so deeply about? You do know you can tell me anything right?" he asks with worry written all over his face. 

I smile gently at him. "It's nothing Krist. I'm just thinking about the deal to expand our company. That's all." I said to him. He looks at me face full of skeptical. 

"Ok tell me. What did Lex do to you? Do I need to search for a place to burry his body or something? " He asks as he leans forward on my desk. 

I can't help but let out a giggle. 

"It's nothing really Krist. You're just over analyzing here." I said to him. I smile brightly at him. 

"Positive?" he asks. 

"Super dupper positive!" I said to him. I think he's satisfied with the answer because he finally let the topic go. 

A few hours later. 

I wave my hand goodbye at Krist as I mount my baby. I can see he dash off with Sing driving the car. I follow behind them. Krist was so against me riding the bike but I do my usual puppy eyes and he finally let me. 

'This is it. It's now or never.' I thought to myself. I signal to one of my man. 

Krist's pov

I was looking at Syah in worry as she follow behind us. 

"Baby? It's ok. See, she's following behind us. Nothing bad will happen ok?" Sing comfort me. I just solemnly nod my head. I was about to answer to Sing when suddenly both of us heard a load crash. I quickly look at the rearview mirror. 

My eyes widen in horror when I can see Syah is literally flying as she was hit by a car. She landed on top of another car. Sing quickly pull over to the side.  

Both of us quickly run towards her to aid her. 

"Syah.... Syah... Can you hear me..?" I asks her. But I didn't get any answer. I quickly check for her pulse and I can feel it very faintly. I turn towards Sing. 

"Call Lex now!" I order to Sing. He quickly take out his phone and dial Lex's number. I quickly check for her injuries. I rip parts of my suit and wrap it around her wounds. I don't care if the suit is expensive or not! I need to save my best friend/ sister now. 

I can hear a paramedic asks question. 

"Do you know who is this?" one of them asks me. 

"She's my sister. I'm a first responder. Can I go to the hospital with you? I already aid her injuries." I said to them quickly as I help them to carefully put Syah on the stretcher. 

They look at each other and nod their head. I quickly turn around to look at Sing. "Sing! I'm ridding the ambulance with Syah ok? " I call out to him. 

I can see he nod his head as he's still on the phone with a very panic Lex on the line I presume. 

I quickly boarded the ambulance with Syah. 'Oh god, Syah. Please be ok.' I pray along the way to the hospital. 

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