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Lex's pov

I'm hearing voices above me.

"EX! LEX!" someone call out.

I slowly pry open my eyes. I look around confuse when I can see Rex, Kris, Sing, Max and Xav with face full of concern.

"W..Where's Syah...?" I asks with a husky voice as I can feel my throat being being super dry like I've been out for a long time.

I look at them as they look at each other and concern still written over their faces.

"What? Where's Syah?" I asks again as I can feel panic begin to rise in me.

"Lex.... There's no one named Syah that we know....." Rex said slowly as he try to explain to me.

"Ha Ha Ha. So funny guys but seriously where is Syah?" I asks frantically.

"Lex, we are not playing a prank or anything but we are serious. We don't know anyone named Syah. You just woke up from a coma after the mission. They got you good. That's why you were in induced coma for 3 months and this is the first time you woke up." Xav said to me.

"NO! That's not true! Where's Syah?! She's a small girl that always brings her teddy bears everywhere she went! Where is she?!" I asks in panic as I try to get down from the bed.

"What are you trying to do Lex?! You just woke up! Stay in bed!." Xav said in panic.

"I need to search for Syah. I know she exists!" I said frantic as I try to search for my phone.

"Where's my phone?!" I demand.

"It was destroy when we found you..." Rex said in a low voice.

I quickly look at Rex. I can see he try to avoid my gaze.

"What are you trying to hide Rex? I know you. We are twins for godsake! What are you trying to hide?!" I asks him in demand.

"I..It's just hurtful looking at you like this Lex..." he said in a small voice.

"A..Are you saying that you think I'...I'm crazy Rex...?" I asks in disbelief.

He quickly avoid my gaze.

"Fine! If all of you think that I've gone mad than just get the fuck out from here! Get OUT! All of you!" I scream out as I point to the door. All of them hesitate for a bit. Before eventually all of them walk out from the room.

"Wow. That's quite harsh wasn't it?" someone said as soon as the door closes. I look at the somebody and I can see that it's that Micheal guy.

"You. Where is she?!" I asks him with venom in my voice.

"Who? Arantxa? Well, that's why I'm here. I want to discuss you about something." he said to me as he stand at the end of the bed.

"What is it?" I asks him.

"They've been acting strange. Including Will. All of them are. After the mission that you went with Arantxa, all of them change. Like they don't know who she is." He said to me.

"What the hell happened?! And why am I in a hospital?" I asks in desperation because I can't remember anything.

"I also don't know. They suddenly brought you into the ER that's what I knew. But what was the last thing that you remembered?" he asks me in a serious voice.

"I remembered that I tuck Syah and I fall asleep next to her. Next thing I know I'm here." I explain to him.

"Something's not right. Arantxa always thought me to be skeptical about everything and people that are closes to us. So why are they acting so strange now?" he said to himself.

I perk up to what he said.

"All of them?" I asks him.

He nod his head. "Yeah, all of them. I have a bad feeling about this." he said.

"What are they trying to do now?" I said in confusion.

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