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Syah's pov

I'm furious because that girl just tried to force a kiss on Zach! How could she?! I'm still fuming after I just storm out of the cafe.

I can feel someone turn me by pulling my shoulder. I turn and I can see that it's Zach. I roll my eyes at him and proceed to just walk away from there before he stops me again.

"Princess, turn around and look at me this instant!" Zach yelled. I just ignores him and continue to walk away with Bear tightly in my arms.

"Don't make me call him!" he threatened me. I quickly turn around and face him.

"You want to call him? Sure. Go ahead. After you called him, never tried to search for me ever again." I told him and just continue to walk away and out of the campus.

I walk home quickly and thank god that Nate is not home. I take Brownie and a bag of clothes that's full. I take all the money that I had saved up all these years and my car keys. I walk out of the door. I put Bear and Brownie on the passenger seat beside me and pull the seatbelt on them so that they won't fall.

I enter the car and drive off after I changed the car plate number and put my old one in my car. I drove to the nearest fast-food chain and order a bunch of food before I went on my merry way that is not here.

Zach's pov

I was stunned at what she said. I snapped when Dante push me a little.

"DUDE! What happened?" he asks.

When he asks me I just realized that Syah just walks away from me. I just run towards home and ignore Dante's calling for me. I run as fast as I can and I can see that the door was opened wide and her car gone.

I run into the house and up to her room. I search for Brownie and I know that she's gone. I check her wardrobe just to double-check my suspicion and it's right. She's gone.

"FUCK!" I yelled. I quickly call Nate.

"Nate! She's gone! She runs away and it's all my fault because I threaten to call him. I'm so stupid!!" I said as I can feel tears run down my face.

"Babe, it's ok. I will go and try to find her ok? You sit at home just in case she comes home ok?" he said. I just silently agree and sit down on the couch.

'Fuck! Why did I do that when she just saved me from punching that annoying girl?!' I thought and put my head on my hand and regretted my decision.

Syah's pov

I keep on driving until I arrive at the border of the next country that I give them my fake passport. I continue with my journey until I need to fill up my gas. I stop at the nearest petrol station.

I fill up my tank and bought some food from the convenient store. I put the food next to Bear and Brownie. I drive until I arrive at a familiar house that I've been avoiding.

I clutch both Bear and Brownie in my arms and walk towards the door and knock on it. A few seconds later the door open.

"Hi Kev." I said with a sheepish smile.

Nate's pov

I rush home from my workplace when Zach called me in frantic. When I arrive I can see that he keeps on pacing back and forth and mumbling something his breath.

When he sees me he bombarded me with questions. I let him finish before I said anything. I asks him what happened and he explains it to me and I can see the regret in his eyes. I pull him into my embrace and hug him and comfort him.

A Girl with Her Teddy BearWhere stories live. Discover now