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Syah's pov

I woke up and I can see that a blanket had been put on me. I look at it confuse. I hold up Bear infront of me and ask him. "Who put the blanket on me?" I asks him.

After a while of silence. "You don't know also huh?" I said to him. I just  shrug and get up from the couch and stretch my stiff body after I've been sleeping the cramp sofa. After that  I take both Bear and Brownie to the kitchen and put them at the respective seats at the counter. After that I walk back to the living room and take out the instant noodles that  brought with me. 

I walk back to the kitchen and begin to cook it. I decided to play some music as I cook.  I'm dancing around the kitchen while singing. As I'm putting the finishing touches to my instant noodles I turn of the gas. I pick up the pot and put it on the counter. I sit in between Bear and Brownie. I was about to eat when I remembered that I didn't pour myself some water yet. I groan loudly and drag my feet to the fridge. 

I take out a pitch of cold water and take my tall glass to the counter. I poured myself some water. I take a sip and devour my instant noodles. I was watching some true crime on my phone when I can hear my door was opened by someone and the alarm didn't go off. I can feel myself frozen. I quickly take Bear and Brownie with me and hide behind the counter. I look around and I remembered the secret safe that I built into all of my drawers and cabinets. 

I put my hand on the scanner and it open up to a drawer of guns and knives. I quickly gear up and prepare for the intruder to walk to me. 

"What are you doing baby?" someone whispered in my ear. I quickly take out my knife and put the knife to the intruder's neck while I have him in a choke hold. 

"You still got it baby girl." The intruder said. I froze when I recognize the voice. "Oh, you remembered me? I'm touched baby." The intruder said. 

"X.. Xavier....? H..How..? W..Wh...What?" I quickly let go of my hold on him and back away from him while still holding Bear n Brownie behind me to protect them.

"Aww... I  was enjoying that hug from you baby." he said to me as he fake a sad face.

"Wh..What are you doing here?" I asks as I tried to keep my tough front. 

"I miss you of course. I brought Lexington with me by the way." He said to me as he approach me. 

"What do you want from me?" I asks him as I stand up still protecting Bear and Brownie behind me while one of my hand is still holding the knife. 

"Me? Nothing. I just want to catch up like the old times." He said. Then my phone rings. 

"Pick up." He said. I quickly go to my phone and answer the phone. 

"Syah! It's me! I just got back! Where are you now?" 

"Krist? Krist!! I missed you!!!" I said excitedly as I forgot that Xavier is still in my kitchen with me. I pull both Bear and Brownie in my embrace as I continue my conversation with Krist. 

"I miss you to love. So, where are you? I have presents for you. Do you want me to come over?" he asks and I can hear rustling. 

"No, it's ok. I'm out of town right now. I went to go and change the scenery before going back home. I really missed you by the way." I said to him sincerely.

"Oh love, I missed you too. Come home quickly ok?" he said to me. 

"Said to Sing I miss him too." I said to him. He chuckled. 

"He heard you. He's hugging me right now while listening to our convo because he got jealous when I called you love." he explain to me. 

"Hey, he's the one stole you away from me." I said to him with my sad voice. 

"Sing said that he's the best that's why he got me and you didn't" Krist said to me as he laugh at our antics. 

"Fine. No more playing with him. He play alone." I said. 

"SYAH!! DON"T DO THIS TO ME!!" I can hear Sing scream in panic. 

I laugh at him. 

"I'm just kidding. I'll help you ok?" I said to him to ease his anxiousness. 

"Well, we need to go and unpacking from our honeymoon. Kiss Bear and Brownie for us ok?" he request. 

I kiss both Bear and Brownie loudly so that they can hear it. 

"Done! I miss you guys! Bye guys!!" I said to them excitedly. 

"Bye!!We miss and love you!!" they said as they ended the call. 

I can't help but to smile like an idiot while looking at my phone.

"Who's that?" someone said to me behind me. I jolt up in surprise. 

"Krist with a heart emoji?" Lexington said as he raise one of his eyebrow. 

"He's my best friend." I said to him as I roll my eyes. 

He chuckled at me. 

"Well, tell that friend's of yours goodluck because Xavier is trying to find info about him." He said as he leisurely walk into my living room. I bolted up and run around my apartment searching for Xavier because I know what Lexington said is true. 

When I open my bedroom door, finally I found him. At my desk typing away in to his laptop. 

"WAIT!! I can explain." I said to him. 

"Krist James, 25 years old, recently married to Sing James who is 27 years old. Both of them have been together for more than 10 years. They have 2 cats together whom are Pluto and Muffin. Both of them work at the Bearownie CO. They have been working there for 5 years. Their card numbers are..." He read it through. 

"Enough!" I cut him off. He stops reading and turn to look at me as he cross his arms in front of him. 

"Care to explain how you know both of them?" he asks as he look at me sternly. 

"You already know how. I know you know everything. What's the point of me explaining it to you?" I asks him. 

"True." he said. 

"But I want to hear it directly from you." he continue. I sigh. 

"Don't you dare lie to me." he said to me. 

I walk to the bed and lay down on it as I put Bear on my right and Brownie on my left as I sigh again. 

"Well..." I start off as I try to drag it out. 

"Stop stalling baby, or they will have some visitors visit them." he said. 

"Ok, ok I will talk!" I said to him annoyed.

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