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Dante pov
There she go again with her teddy bear coming to school. There's this  girl in my school that always brings her teddy bear to school. She doesn't talk to anyone at all except for the teachers for the obvious reason and one other person.

I watch her as well as the others  as they make way for her. They keep on whispering as she walk but she didn't seem to care and just keeps on walking with a blank face until she gets to her locker.

She puts her teddy bear inside of her locker and proceed on putting her book into her bag for her classes.

At the corner of my eye I can see Zach, one of the jocks comes to her and wait for her besides her locker.

She doesn't talk to anyone but a weird thing is she and Zach can communicate really well with just him talking.

When she's done she zip up her bag and take her teddy bear with her before shutting her locker with a loud slam. She turn and glare at all of us.

"OK! Go to your classroom! Nothing to see here!" Zach yells with a glare to every one of us.

All of us instantly turns around and proceed with our daily routine but I just can't keep my eyes off her as she walks away with Zach.

I can see that she let Zach drap his arm around her shoulder while talking with her very enthusiastically while she just nods her head.

I was about to take my books from my locker when I saw her smile. I know what you guys are going to think she's just smiling what's the big deal right? But this is the first time that I ever saw she have an expression that is different from her usual glare or blank face!!

I was stunned because her smile is very beautiful and sweet! I can see her eyes turn into cresent moons with dimples on both of her cheeks.

I was very stunned until I heard the first bell rings. I quickly take my books and leave my group of friends and sprint to my class because maybe in class I can get the glimpse of her smile again because I know for a fact that Zach and her is in my class for this period.

I look for a seat two seats behind her and thank god that it's available. I take quick steps to it and plopped myself there while panting a bit.

Throughout the whole lesson I was very mesmerised by all of her facial expressions.

I get to see her laugh, giggles, smiles, pout and even playful smirk on her face.

But I was almost got caught a few times by her. I tried playing it cool by pretending to sleep but I'm actually secretly taking a vid of her. Thank god no one sit in front of me or else I can't capture all of those moments.

After the lesson is done, I realised that her teddy bear was on her lap the whole time and she didn't even let it go once.

The next lecturer walk into class. I know this is a new lecturer because our last lect was having an emergency surgery and she is a new face because I never saw her at all.

She starts her lecture normally until she walks around the classroom and saw that girl holding her teddy bear in her lap.

"Young lady! This is the lecture hall not your bedroom! Why are you bringing your teddy bear with you?! Are you toddler? Bringing your teddy bear everywhere you go?!" She yells as she tried to take the teddy bear from her. She quickly move her teddy bear away from the lecturer's reach.

I can see she shoot a deathly glare that chills come down all of our spine. All of us tense and an awkward silence consume us.

"Look here Ms. Shitface. I think you're new and maybe you didn't know about this but I'm going to warn you once and only once. It's none of your fucking business! So I advice you to go your merry way and just continues your goddamn lesson before you get fired on your first day." Zach hiss at her voice full of venom.

The lecturer tense and just scoff and about to retort.

"If you don't go now, it won't be pretty. I'm not afraid to punch a women or girl or a retard like you right now." He continues with a deathly glare that I'm sure she just piss herself.

I can see she runs to the front of the class with her tail between her legs.

I can see that Zach was trying to calm her down because her grip on her teddy bear is really hard and her knuckles turns white.

I can see he whispers something and she takes several deep breaths and calm down.

Why is he so protective of her? Is there something that they're hiding?

A Girl with Her Teddy BearOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant