Chapter Eight: "Xessa No-"

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Alternative Title: Chapter Eight: "Xessa No-" "Xessa Yes-"

It's been a while.

"X- Xessa- what?" Xelqua finally stumbled out.

"Look at him, Xel!" Xessa smiled, holding out the silver mane coon. "His name is Minty."

"I- of course it is." Xelqua rubbed the edge of his nose.

All of a sudden, Xessa turned towards him with pleading eyes.

"Ohhhh no."


"Xessa, we can't keep him."

"But Xelquaaaaaaa." Xessa groaned, flumping down into a chair.

"We are primes, Xessa."

"Mascot?" Xessa smiled up at him innocently.

"I- your going to be the death of me." Xelqua groaned as Quinn sent a sympathetic look towards him.

"Sooo?" Xessa held Minty up to him.

"Fine! We'll keep Minty." Xelqua smiled. He couldn't help it, the mane coon was just adorable.

"YAY!" Xessa smiled, putting down the cat.

"Now, please tell me you didn't draw me away from the server for a cat." Xelqua asked pointedly.

Xessa smiled meekly.

"Of course you did." Xelqua groaned, only slightly annoyed.

"It was worth it though." Xessa smirked. "Admit that at least."

"I swear to God Xessa."

"We are the God's, Xelqua."

"Don't listen to Xessa, Xelqua."

Xelqua flumped onto his chair, letting out a rather large huff.

"Soooo, we're going to need a cat bed for Minty,.." Xessa trailed off.

"I'll get us one." Xelqua said. "Hell, I'll go do it now."

"I knew you'd warm up to him!"


Xelqua paced into the hub district, wings tucked behind his back almost uncomfortably.

Many people waved and shouted greetings, some looking in awe.

He just needed a damn cat bed.


"Hello, and welcome to Kittens with mitten- o- oh! Prime admin Xelqua!" The cashier faltered, recognizing the admin. "W- what can I do for you?"

"Believe it or not, I find myself in need of a cat bed." Xelqua answered, his two personalities crashing. Grian would usually laugh and smile sweetly, making some sort of joke out of it. Xelqua, however, would remain cold and mysterious.

"Oh! Well, we have a few options for that. It's on aile 5, i- if you'd like to have a look?" The cashier, Pastel, smiled nervously.

"Thank you." Xelqua smiled, turning around to find the fifth aile.


Re-entering the Admin Building, Xelqua carried a bag consisting of a cat bed, some toys, a bag of food, and a smaller bag of catnip.

"Xel!" Xessa smiled, sitting up from her slouched position.

"Xes. Quinn." Xelqua treated, emptying the bag.

"Yessss." Xessa hissed in excitement, putting the cat down to grab the catnip.

Why did Xessa do this?

The date up soon.

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