Chapter 6: Holy-

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Alternative Title; Chapter 6; Holy- Those are some hot pvpers.

Grian laughed, enjoying his time as he walked around the hub with Mumbo and Iskall. The two had decided to train him after seeing how 'bad' he was at pvp.

They walked through a portal, entering the training area. Grian had been there a couple times as a prime, just for some ceremonials, he believed.

He still chuckled as Mumbo and Iskall ahs to steady themselves on the portal frame while he could just walk through.

"How do you even do that!?" Mumbo asked.

"Practice!" Grian called back, running forwards.

"pRaCtIcE!" Iskall mimicked lovingly (not ship).

Finally the other two got up and joined they're shorter companion.

"Alright now, let's start!" Iskall said, putting a hand on Grian's shoulder.

"Gri?" Mumbo asked. "You okay?"

Grian snapped out of the trance he had been in.
"O- oh! Uh, yeah!" He said, turning back around. "Hey... Who are they?"

"Them?" Iskall asked, blinking in surprise. "Ooooh, that's Dream and Techno."

"They're the best Pvpers out there." Mumbo added.

"I- I see." Grian muttered. No way was he going to admit he thought they looked pretty damn cute.

"You okay?" Mumbo repeated.

"Yes? Yes! Yes, sorry. Let's do this." Grian smiled, glancing back at the duo one last time.

"Alright, hold your sword infront of you. Keep it straight and steady..."


"Wait hold on." Dream said, holding up a hand and tilting his head.

"Hmm?" Techno asked, lowering his sword.

"Who's that?" Dream asked, looking in Grian's direction.

"Iskall, Mumbo, aaaand-" Techno trailed off. He wasn't supposed to think-

"Aaaaand?" Dream mimicked, not even paying much attention.

"A- and Grian, I think." Techno stuttered, internally slapping himself (TeChNo YoUr HaNdS nOt SuPpOsEd To Be In YoUr StOmAcH!).

"He looks-" Dream cut himself off. "Uh, short."

"Uh, yes! Short! Very!" Techno blushed lightly.

"A- anyway-"



"Grian, eyes on me, not those obviously-attractivebmen over there!" Iskall laughed.

"I- n- no!" Grian protested, blushing.

Primes almost never had relationships. With the time they're jobs took up, and the stress of they're work, they never really could balance relationships.

Especially if that prime has a server.

"Hmm, sure." Mumbo laughed from the sideline.

"Hush!" Grian shouted, embarrassed.

"Eyes on me!"


"Techno, let's go talk to that guy."

"Social interaction!? HUH?" Techno shouted.

Dream rolled his eyes, grabbing Techno's arm.

"This is mutiny!"

"You weren't even the leader!"

Marching forwards, Dream led Techno towards the red-sweatered gremlin.

"Hi there!"


"I'm so done with this!" Grian whined.

"We'll come back to this later then!" Mumbo teased.

"What, no! You guys- you guys?" Grian questioned as Iskall and Mumbo looked past him, at each other, and them backed away.

"Hi there!"

Spinning around, Grian quickly realized that the duo of players were behind him.

"O- oh! Hi." Grian greeted (haha rhymes) somewhat awkwardly.

"Dream and Technoblade." Dream greeted, holding out his hand. Well, holding his hand down.

"Grian." He said, blushing slightly.

"I never agreed to this-" Techno started.

"Oh be quiet." Dream rolled his eyes. Well, he did. You could t see it though. Because mask.

Grian laughed a little, smile speeding across his face.

"Do you happen to be in any particular server?"


Hot fucking minute-
                         (pvp players-)


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