Chapter 5; This year's meeting

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Alternative Title; Chapter 5; This year's meeting goes a lot fucking better.

Grian hated pre-approved paperwork the most. It meant going over one little sheet or sentence over and over until your sure nothing's been changed. And you don't even need to sign anything! It's just reading and reading and reading!

How Quinton enjoyed it, Grian did not know.

Either way, he was done with it now and that was that.

Now he actually had to be on time and sign Quinton's forms and Quinton had to sign Xessa's and Xessa had to sign his.

Ooh, today was going to be busy.

---------------line break go brrr-----------------

Grian sat down next to Xessa and Quinton, quickly going through everything he needed to.

"What even is the ASP act!?" Quinton sighed.

"That's the Admin Safety Protocol, Quinton." Xessa answered patiently.


"Need the AP association explained to you to?" Xelqua joked.

"Oh be quiet." Quinton rolled his eyes.

They finally finished what they needed to do, faster than last year with Quinton there.

Xelqua donned his mask and coat, securing it properly just in case.

They made it into the meeting room just when they where supposed to, hundreds of admins already sitting and waiting.

"Hello!" Xessa called to the room full of admins. "Welcome to our annual meeting."

Xelqua smiled as he found Xisuma in the crowd. He was near the front, in his respective section.

"As always, we assume you've filled out and submitted the correct documentation of your servers, and am happy to announce that player deaths are at an all time low!" Xessa smiled at the crowd.

Many spirits where lifted at that news. Numbers had been increasing for about a decade.

"This of course does mean that we will have to take on more admins! We hope to find new recruitments to add to our family."

The primes liked to refer to the admin team as a family, seeming as they should all be close and admin was usually a family profession.

"Prime three will fill you in on the details of both player and admin training." Xessa handed the papers over to Xelqua.

Though people technically shouldn't know Xelqua's admin name, he was sure at least someone had heard it last year. Probably some level 7-5 admins had heard. Either way, he was still to be referred to as prime three.

The others identities where already in the dustbin, of course.

"Yes, thank you Xessa." Xelqua said calmly, taking the papers from her. "First, I would like to note that these stats where taken a month before this meeting, meaning the numbers could be slightly lower or higher."

The crowd nodded; it was usual for some data to be a little inaccurate.

"Admin training quality is still the same, it dipped slightly bellow standards back in June, but then rose back up almost immediately. Well done, everyone." Xelqua smiled up at the crowd.

There where some cheers, as it was always nice to hear good news.

"Player training is just bellow the standard training a usual player should have." Xelqua continued. "This can be fixed either by implementing a military or training program, ir simply by asking your server members to participate in more PvP activities."

People nodded, discussed the problem among themselves quietly.

"Now, Quinton will fill you in on vegetation statistics and marketing." Xelqua handed the papers to Quinton.

"Yes, thank you three."

So it's only been three days since I updated! I haven't completely abandoned this!

I'm so sorry lol.

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