Chapter 1- Admin Report

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Alternative title: Chapter 1- Admin Report, We Fucked Up.
Warnings: Swearing (I wouldn't say major but it's not minor)

Grian POV, 3rd person:

Grian and Evo stumbled through the hub portal as it shattered behind them. The streets where empty except for one player across the hub, around 3000 blocks away. Grian could only sense his aura, couldn't see him or anything. It was a tier Purpura, or the third tier if admins, heading into a portal.
"What do we do now?" Taurtis asked.
"We'll go our separate ways." Grian said truthfully. There was silence.
"Well, it's been wonderful playing with you all." Perlescent said, waving.
"It's been great!"
"What are you gonna do, Grian?" Grian sucked din a breath.
"I'm going to do an admin report." He said.
"But, that could- you could get demoted three levels for something like this!" Taurtis said, shocked.
"Imagine how many levels I'll be demoted if I don't report it." Grian retorted, setting of for the admin headquarters.

Xelqua's POV, 3rd person.

Xelqua made sure no-one was near him before transforming  and putting on a mask to his face. he had white sleeves and a white hood. The shirt had the admin symbol on it in gold, and his aura shined as he walked through the halls. He needed to talk to Xessa, and quickly. 
"Xessa?" He called as he entered her office.
"Xelqua? Aren't you supposed to be in Evo?" Xessa asked, shooting up.
"Yeah, I need to file an abandonment report." He said, pausing. "Then an attack report."
"An attack report!? Okay, go fill them in, quickly." Xessa said. "I'll call Quinton." Xelqua nodded as he grabbed a couple empty report sheets. This'll be a long night.

Quinton burst through the door half an hour later.
"Xelqua!? What happened? What's going on!?" He asked. Xelqua was finishing the final form. God they took forever.
"The watchers. They decided my world would be good one to attack. This is perfect!" Xelqua said, throwing his hands up in frustration.
"Ohhhh, that's not good." Quinton said, walking over to his friend.
"Nope." Xessa said, also walking over to Xelqua.
"Why is this so hard!?" Xelqua huffed.
"Maybe you should just join a server instead of making one." Quinton joked.
"Quinton that's a great idea!" Xelqua shouted.
"Wait what I was kidding-" Quinton said. "Actually that's brilliant-"
"It would work." Xessa said.
"Alright bye guys I'm gonna find a new server-" Xelqua said, trying to leave asap.
"Oh no, you still need to finish the rest of the paper work!"

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