Chapter 3- Last Years Meeting

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Alternative Title; Chapter 3- Last year's Meeting where shit went down-

Grian sat down on his starter bases bed, looking at the message that had just appeared on his communicator.
'Dear Xelqua, the next admin meeting will be held exactly one month and seven days before paperwork day at the office. You will be expected to arrive three hours early, as always.'

Grian smiled at the message, thinking back to last year's admin meeting. His name had almost been exposed, and names could be linked to player forms. That was also the second meeting he had had to go to.

alright, disclaimer time! In their prime forms they look different from their player forms. Its different enough for them to be unlinked to their player forms. Xelqua usually goes around in a whit cloak with a hood, but in the meetings he's just in his prime form.

Grian laughed, thinking of it. It had honestly been a disaster, and not a single soul other than the other Primes knew what a disaster it had been. It was a usual meeting to them.

~flash baaaaaaaaaaaaaack~

Xelqua stepped through the Evo/Hub portal, arriving straight behind the admin building. He closed the portal and donned his usual outfit, climbing the steps. He saw players staring at him in awe. That's when first thing struck.

Someone tried to get at his hood.

This wasn't uncommon in history. Infact, it was how Quinton was revealed.

Though you could hide your player side, it took up a lot of energy. The player side of the admin was the original, if you will. The admin form, was simply an extra layer of protection. Like a shield.

So when Xelqua had his hood up, he simply looked like a player. It took 30 seconds to transform fully, so if the hood was taken down, it was basically game over for player identity.

Admins weren't aloud to hurt other players, that was basically rule one. (It was rule 4, depending if you counted the ancient set or not.) However, in cases of self defense, it was deemed acceptable.

The player was thrown of Xelqua, had then let down gently towards the ground. Other players shouted furiously at the player that Xelqua now recognized as a tier four admin, named Montypoe. Players lifted him off the ground as Xelqua gave them a nod of thanks. He quickly rushed up ti stairs, into the prime office.

"Xelqua! How are- oh. I'm guessing the ruckus out there has something to do with your bad mood?" Xessa guessed.
"Yes, sadly. Someone, namely Montypoe, a level four admin, tried to take of my hood and mask. It didn't work, but still irritating." Xelqua explained. Then he got some paper and started on a note of demotion. Down to level six.
"Once your done with that;" Xessa looked around, making sure no one was watching. "Quinton never showed up."

Xelqua almost fell out of his chair.

"Quinton? As in like, prime admin, im-an-hour-early-for-everything Quinton?" Xelqua asked, concerned for his friend.
"Yes." Xessa confirmed sadly. "I texted him half an hour ago, no word."
"If he doesn't show up i. Time?" Grian asked fearfully.
"... Then we'll have to make some excuse up for him." Xessa sighed. Without Quinton there, they had to finish the paperwork in record time.

Quinton didnt show up in time.

It was awkward as they walked in, without the other prime with them.

There was also some confusion. Muttering, some where even conspiring.

"As you may have noticed;" Xelqua's voice rang out. "Our first prime, Quinton, is not with us at the moment." Muttering of agreement. Xessa nodded for him to continue. "Quinton and his server are having some problems at this moment." Xelqua lied. "We do not know if he will be able to join us."

"Anyway." Xessa said. "I presume everyone filled out their paperwork?" She asked, eyes scanning the crowd. There where nods, mumbles, glances. Usual meeting things.
"Good. That means we can skip the usual player count." She smiled. "Onto our most recent business..."

Halfway through the meeting, Quinton came through the door. All eyes fell on the second prime as he mouthed one word at the primes.

They got it immediately, nodding in his direction.
"Xelqua. Xessa. I'm sorry I am late, we had a watcher problem."

The crowd was immediately on edge.

"Just one. They have left." Quinton lied, calming the crowd down.
"Yes, thank you Quinton." Xessa said softly. "Now let's address next MCC..."

~end the flashbaaaaaaaaaack~

The message flashed infront of Grians eyes continually. He smiled.

What a fun meeting that would be.

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