Chapter Eleven: You?

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Alternative Title: Chapter Eleven: You? You know?

Xisuma had prepared for a number of things when they'd accepted a new member into Hermitcraft. He'd suspected Evil X, his brother, to attack. He'd suspected Pranks (which, admittedly, he got), he'd expected a watcher, an assassin, a loner, a hybrid, an avian, and he'd suspected a spy of some sort.

What he was not expecting, however, was for the new member to be a literal Prime admin.

He'd first suspected something was up when the new member was seen carrying what had to be at least two-hundred Admin Forms, and right before the major admin meeting event of the year.

Which, hey, was pretty suspicious.

Then, when he claimed to be trying to become a level one admin, Xisuma never found any trace of him in any sign-up sheets, meaning he was lying about something. At first, the admin had thought he was already an admin who was just embarrassed about being low-level near level eight, but no trace of the name 'Grian' anywhere in the database.

Then Prime Xelqua had randomly entered there world, caused everyone to freak out, and then claimed to have made a mistake and hurriedly logged off. Grian logged in about two-to-three hours later. It was enough to draw suspicion away from him. This applied to everyone except Xisuma.

Then there was the impressively large knowledge of all admin meetings and time sheets.

And the 'dissapearing every time Xelqua appears or has a meeting' thing.

And then the scarily accurate descriptions of admin work.

And that time he hacked into the server and unbanned Hels for a practical joke (which, in his defence, had ended in hilarousness and hijinks).

And oh my god Grian has a prime admin mask in his base-


Xisuma had been trying to find the strawberry-blonde so he could confirm the server-wide get together time and location. Grian was last on his list, as the man had said he was going to the shopping district on a shopping spree with his new diamond hoard.

The admin was simply going around looking for the man-child, and had gone down to his storage area to see if he was in there. While he was looking around, he had bumped into and knocked down one of Grian's multiple chests.

He'd been quick to pick it up again and throw it on top of the desk, where it had been not a moment before. He'd kneeled down to shovel the rest of the contents back inside the chest, but had stopped dead in his tracks.

Because on the ground, sparkling like the fucking daylight itself, was a golden and white prime admin mask.

Well, fuck.

Having a theory was one thing, having it confirmed was another entirely. Because fuck, Grian was Xelqua.

And then, for the cherry on top,

Mentioned strawberry-blonde walked through the door.

What a day this was shaping out to be.


Grian was beyond excited. He'd had a (somewhat successful) date with two guys he liked, had run into some major luck in the mines, and was going on a builder shopping spree as he bounced through the streets of Hermitcraft.

He had goddamn end rods galore, and there was no sign of him stopping any time soon. He didn't know why he needed five stacks of end rods, but he did.

Also all that end-stone and white concrete, but they didn't talk about that-

So yeah, Grian was having a pretty good day.

And then he'd walked into his base to find Xisuma kneeling over his prime admin mask, and everything went to shit-

642 words

Im so sorry!!!

I've been really focused on school and AO3, but updates will be more frequent now I promise.

I'll see ya guys next chapter! Thanks for reading!

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