21 - Memories and Broken Heart

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Marinette's POV

I had a dream. Well, a nightmare, because Lila was in it. She couldn't stop barking about her relationship with Adrien and how I would never be good enough for him.

I woke up at around 6am and haven't been able to go back to sleep. Adrien was still sound asleep, and I didn't want to wake him. He needs to be in top shape for the game.

Everyone will be awake in an hour, so I decided to brush my teeth and put some makeup on right now. I adjusted my red satin robe and put on my white sneakers.

I quietly left the room and headed towards the lobby to get some fresh coffee. I walked in circles, until I saw some guy with a cup of coffee.

"Hi there, do you mind showing me where you got that?" My finger gestured to his cup. "I'm a bit lost" I admitted shyly.

"Of course, you go straight ahead and then turn left at the elevators" He explained with a smile.

"Thank you!" I smiled back and continued walking.

"Miss?" The man asked behind me, and I turned to face him.

"Are you from François Dupont High School?" He continued, and I tilted my head with interest.

"Yeah! Are you from Woodside High School?" I asked the brown-haired, green-eyed stranger.

"I'm Felix, captain of the Silver Rings. Nice to meet you, but you seem oddly familiar..." He furrowed his brows with an amused smirk.

"I'm Marinette, captain of the cheer squad. I don't think we've met" I analyzed Felix's face. Not gonna lie, he was really good-looking.

"Oh, well maybe I've seen you in my dreams or something" He replied. I raised my brows and then giggled.

"You're quite the jokester, aren't you?" I blushed. He bit his lip to suppress a laugh. "Anyway, I should get going"

"Right... See you on the field, Marinette" He replied.

"See you Felix" I gave him one last smile and headed towards the lounge with the coffee machines.

After grabbing two cups of coffee, one for me and one for Adrien, I went to my room. Adrien was still sleeping, so I decided to wake him up gently. I dropped the cups on the table and crawled inside his bed.

"Wake up Prince Charming, I brought coffee" I whispered in his ear and trailed kisses on his neck and shoulder. He groaned and turned around to face me.

"Mmm, my love" He replied half-asleep with a husky voice. His arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me closer.

His warmth immediately made me want to stay in bed all day, but I quickly shooed the thought away. "Come on Adrien, wake up" I ordered.

"Nooo I want to cuddle" He pouted like a baby. I rolled my eyes playfully at his childish attitude.

"Fine, but just a few minutes" I sighed in defeat. We lay there and enjoyed each other's embrace for a few moments. Then, he kissed my cheek gently and intertwined my hand in his.

"What's my name?" He asked out of the blue. I raised one brow at his strange question.

"Adrien..?" I replied quizzically. He smirked and proceeded to kiss my neck. I let out a huff at the sensual contact.

He flipped me over to be on top and continued kissing my neck and collarbones. I grabbed his biceps as a reflex and shut my eyes in pleasure. "Say it again..." He ordered in between kisses.

"Adrien..." I whisper-moaned, quickly losing my sanity to his touch. "Wait, don't..."

"Don't?" He stopped moving. I rolled him on his side and got out of bed.

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