13 - Casino Night

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Thank you so much for 200 views and for all the votes, y'all make me so happy xxxx
I'm also wondering if people genuinely like to read sin... I do lol. Sorry if chapter 12 traumatized you XD


Adrien's POV

I woke up in a dazed and confused state, enjoying the warmth that Marinette's little body provided. For just a moment, I decided to lie in my bed and not overthink this whole situation.

This moment of serenity was quickly interrupted when I felt her body shift. She let out an adorable groan and opened her beautiful eyes.

"Sleeping beauty awakes" I said lovingly.

She looked up with a puzzled expression, and then sat on the bed as stiff as a stick.

"A-Adrien..? What..? Oh my god..." She groaned and pinched her nose bridge.

"Mari, last night was..." I started, but she interrupted me.

"Just put on a shirt, your chest is distracting me" She said bluntly. I couldn't help but grin at her comment. I got out of bed and grabbed a random t-shirt in my closet.

"Look, I-" I continued, but she interrupted me. Again.

"Shower! I think I need to take a shower, like right now" She said awkwardly. I furrowed my brows.

"Um, okay? Well, talk later?" I replied, unsure of why she was behaving like this.

The last thing I wanted was to make her uncomfortable, so I decided to talk about what happened last night at another time.

She mouthed an "okay" and practically stormed out of the room. Then, I heard Chloe's cheeky voice in the hall indistinctly.

When she was gone, I let out a sigh and contemplated the silence in my room. Just thinking about me sleeping with this girl drove me crazy. Because she wasn't just any girl...

Did she regret it? Did she not like it? What if she thinks it's a mistake? Or did she think that I think it's a mistake? I mean, given my... reputation, I couldn't blame her if she did.

After taking a shower and torturing myself with all sorts of questions, I went to eat breakfast. Chloe was sitting alone at the dinner table, sipping tea and texting someone. I grabbed a coffee and sat in front of her.

"Where's Mari?" I asked. Her head shot up and she put her phone down on the table.

"She had to leave early" The blonde girl said. "Something about talking to the director about her internship and taking half of her classes online"

"Oh..." I said, a little disappointed. Chloe sensed my distress and sighed.

"Look... I really don't want to hear about the Fifty Shades of Gross that you did to her, but... What the hell happened?" She asked. I let out a small laugh at her insult.

"Well last night I couldn't sleep and then she just showed up in front of my room at like 1am and told me she loved me too... And then... You know..." I explained with a little blush.

"Wait..." Chloe gasped. "You guys went all the way?!" She practically shrieked in disbelief.

"Yeah..." I blushed harder and scratched my nape nervously.

"That's weird, she was walking just fine. But thank God she's not one of those screamers who wake me up at 3am..." She exhaled. That did not flatter my ego.

"Hey! Don't insult me like that!" I frowned, and she giggled.

"Pfft, whatever. So, are you guys dating or what?" She sipped on her tea.

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