25 - The Most Beautiful Love Story

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TYSM for all the votes and comments! I've been updating a lot because I'm going through difficult times and writing helps me deal with that. I hope you're all doing well xx

Warning: Sin, cause I haven't written sin in a while hehe

Marinette's POV

Two months after the trip to London, on a warm Sunday morning of June, I woke up in my apartment after a sleepover with Alya.

Alya is the only one who knows about my pregnancy, because she's my only friend who can keep a secret. Besides, we will be roommates at Parsons when we go to college, so she has to know.

My relationship with Adrien has been very fragile since London, considering everything that happened there, but we're working hard to make this work.

He was shocked when I told him that I decided to go to New York, but he understood my decision. After all, New York is the ideal city to kick-start a career in fashion design.

Right now, he's in Switzerland for a short business trip but he'll be back tonight, because tomorrow is prom!

I feel like my stomach has grown, but it's probably psychological because no one has said anything and I still fit in my jeans perfectly.

Alya was still sleeping, so I decided to cook breakfast. As always, I'm going to eat a fruit salad. I used to be a fervent brunch eater: Crêpes, bacon, croissants, everything. But now, greasy food makes me want to puke. I still enjoy sugary food from time to time, but I try to eat as healthy as possible for Fetus.

Don't judge me, I still don't know the gender of my baby so I call him/her Fetus.

Since I have a guest, I'm going to make an exception and cook some crêpes and pancakes. Alya wants me to tell Adrien about the pregnancy, and I'm starting to think that maybe I should. But somehow, the words won't come out.

For the past two months, I acted as if everything was normal, but this secret is hovering over my head like a ticking time bomb.

The truth is that I'm afraid. Completely, utterly, insanely scared of what might happen. I'm scared to cross the street, I'm scared to eat the wrong thing, I'm scared to move the wrong way... But most of all, I'm scared that Adrien won't love Fetus as much as I do.

When breakfast was done, I woke Alya up and we ate together.

"So, no morning sickness today?" She asked as I made some tea.

"Thank God no, I stopped having morning sickness for a while. I'm almost at 4 months now, are you sure I'm not getting big?" I asked.

She examined me for a second and then shook her head in disapproval. "Nope, still as skinny as a stick. Actually, I think your boobs and ass are bigger than usual"

"Are you saying that I'm hotter now that I'm pregnant?" I asked teasingly.

"I don't know, why don't you ask Adrien?" She asked back, implying for the 10th time that I should tell him.

"Alya, you know why I can't tell him..." I said as I sat down in front of her.

After taking a bite of her pancake, she clasped her hands together. "First of all, this is delicious. Second of all, what are you gonna do, pop it out in another continent and tell him after it's born?"

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