6 - Netflix and Chill

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Marinette's POV

It was Sunday, and I didn't feel like doing anything. I woke up around 11am when Chloe called me, and apparently someone videotaped the fight I had with Lila yesterday.

"I can't believe how desperate she was, and what she said... I swear I'm gonna fight that hoe. At least everyone hates her now" Chloe said over the phone.

"Whatever... I don't want to talk about it, the whole thing's gonna be forgotten by Monday anyway" I said, still laying in bed.

"How are you doing, really?" She asked, concerned.

"I just want to stay in bed all day, watch movies and eat ice cream. I'm fine, really, I just need to cool off" I replied, and she sighed.

"All right... Adrien was very worried about you by the way, and he dumped Lila's cheap ass right after you left. In front of everyone. It was hi-la-rious" She giggled, and I smiled.

"Yeah, I feel kind of bad because I was rude to him yesterday..." I said with a sad tone. He did defend me, while everyone just watched like statues.

"You were upset, and with good reason. He knows that" Chloe said, and I heard someone knock at the door.

"Ugh, someone's at the door" I groaned and got up.

I opened the door and saw Adrien. "Well, speak of the devil... I'll call you tonight, have a good day with your dad" I told Chloe before hanging up.

"Come in" I let Adrien come inside my apartment. I realized that I was only wearing a pink slip dress, and my hair was probably a mess. Not to mention the bags under my eyes.

"I must look like a mess right now..." I sighed. "What brings you here?"

"I came to grace you with my presence, and also..." He started, and I realized that he was holding something behind his back.

"What's that behind your back?" I asked with one brow raised.

He grinned and revealed a bag filled with all my favorite ice creams: Vanilla, strawberry and cookie dough. I gasped like a little girl opening her gifts on Christmas.

"Oh my god, thank you Adrien! You're the best!" I hugged him and proceeded to put the ice cream in the fridge before they melt.

"I figured that you might need it after last night..." He said and I sighed.

"I'm sorry that I was rude to you... You didn't deserve that" I apologized.

"No need, I understand. And by the way..." He approached me. "... you don't look like a mess. I mean, you kinda do, but you're still hot"

I scoffed and pushed his shoulder playfully, making him chuckle.

"So what's on your schedule today? Photo shoot? Piano? Fencing? Chinese?"

"Actually Sundays are my off days. So I guess I'm going to study or something"

"Well, I was about to watch bad movies all day, wanna join?" I proposed.

His grin faltered a bit, and his eyes widened. "But, isn't your TV in your bedroom?"

"Yeah, so?" I feigned innocence. Men and their boners....

"N-nothing... Yeah, let's. That sounds way better than studying" He scratched the back of his neck nervously. Cute.

We decided to watch Titanic. I've never seen it, but I heard a lot of good comments about it. I heated some popcorn and prepared bowls of ice cream for us to enjoy.

Hot Mess ; AdrienetteWhere stories live. Discover now