23 - Pillow Talk

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So much fluff because I need to recover from all the fights I wrote in the previous chapters 🤫

Adrien's POV

When Marinette left the hotel room to go God-knows-where, I sat on the floor and mentally beat myself up for my mistakes. That look in her eyes when I told her I cheated on her... I can't get it out of my head.

Her perfect bluebell eyes showed nothing but betrayal and hurt, and when she batted her eyelashes in pain, trying not to break down in tears... it completely broke my heart.

Seeing her in pain makes me want to cry. But seeing her in pain because of me makes me want to kill myself.

The worst part is that I was dishonest with her. I hoped that she would never find out to spare her that pain... Because I know that I will never cheat again. Also, I didn't tell her because of my own selfish needs. I didn't tell her because I didn't want to face the consequences of my mistakes... What kind of a man am I...?

Marinette didn't take my calls, obviously, so I asked Chloe to call her for me. Turns out Mari went for a walk. Knowing her, she wouldn't go far, because she would be too nervous to roam around in an unknown city, especially at night.

After a few minutes of mental debate, I decided to go look for her. I need to tell her how deeply sorry I am, I have to prove that I will fight for her and try to atone.

But what I saw when those elevator doors opened broke my heart and made my blood boil in anger and confusion.

Marinette and Felix were standing next to each other, and they had clearly been kissing. Touching each other. Both of their hairstyles were a mess, Felix had lipstick marks all over him and his shirt was open. Marinette was wearing a spaghetti strapped dress, and she adjusted one of the straps on her shoulder because it had fallen.

"What the hell is this?" I clenched my fists in anger.

"Adrien..." Marinette took one step towards me, and her facial expression revealed a mix of guilt, distress and discomfort.

"Did you force yourself on her?!" I yelled at Felix.

"What? No!" He furrowed his brows. Then, a smug smile appeared across his face. "In fact, she was all over me just a second ago, guess you never showed her a good time..."

He couldn't finish his sentence because I stepped forward to erase that grin off his face. "You son of a bitch..." I mumbled before slamming my fist on his jaw.

Felix stumbled on the elevator wall due to the force of my punch and grabbed his face. Though he was bleeding, he didn't stop smiling.

"Adrien, stop! Please, let's just go" Marinette begged. She grabbed my arm and forcefully dragged me to our room. I didn't fight her.

When we entered the room, she fixed her hair and I examined my hand. It wasn't broken, but I will most likely be bruised tomorrow.

"Tell me you didn't..." I started, but she cut me off bitterly.

"Calm down, I'm not you. We just kissed" She glared at me.

I still felt extremely guilty for sleeping with Lila, but what she just did was wrong. She has to apologize.

"I know what I did was wrong, and I'm sorry" She declared, as if she read my mind. "But at least now we're even"

My eyes widened in disbelief. "You think this is some kind of game?!" I shouted. "You know what? I don't even want to look at you before you take a shower"

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