5 - Party Fight

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Marinette's POV

Finally, it was the weekend. I went to Chloe's house to pick an outfit for Luka's party. I decided to wear a lacy black mini dress. Not too casual, not too chic and not too sluty. Chloe wore a yellow cocktail dress. We both curled our hair and put some smoky eye makeup.

"Girl, you look gorgeous, Luka's gonna faint" Chloe teased as we walked towards the limo.

"Thanks honey, you look amazing too, Kim's gonna drop down on his knees" I teased back, and she laughed.

Luka lived in a relatively big house near the Eiffel tower. He always hosted parties, since his parents were never home.

When we got there, the music was already loud and many people were drunk. Luka saw me and immediately ditched his friends.

"Hey, pretty girl..." He said as he took my hand and kissed my knuckles.

"Hey, Luka" I giggled.

"Want a drink?" He asked.

"Yeah, do you have some fruit punch?"

"Coming right up" He bowed, and I felt my cheeks heat up.

Luka went to the kitchen, and I just stood there. Chloe was already making out with Kim. Well, that was fast.

On the other side of the room, I spotted Adrien on the couch with Lila sitting on his lap. She was drawing circles on his chest, and he smiled at her. I could practically see her nipples from here.

Then, Adrien saw me and I felt his eyes scanning my body from head to toe. He gave me a smile, which I returned. Lila noticed that his attention wasn't on her anymore, so she looked at where he was looking.

When she saw me, her smile immediately faded and she glared like some kind of hyena. Then, she took Adrien's face and gave him a sloppy kiss... Ugh, skank.

Luka came back with my drink. I swallowed the whole thing in one gulp and he laughed.

"Let's dance!" I proposed excitedly.

Many people from Heritage and Francois Dupont came to the party; more people than expected. Well, I guess I shouldn't be surprised. Luka and I danced together for a while. He looked at me like I was a goddess, and I liked that. By then, the alcohol was blurring my thoughts.

Juleka, his sister, interrupted our dancing. "Sorry to barge in, but there are some kids about to have unprotected sex on your bed" She told Luka.

He rolled his eyes. "All right Jules, thanks for telling me" He said. He looked at me with sorry eyes and I smiled.

"Go, I'll wait for you here" I said. He went upstairs in a hurry, and I decided to get another cup of fruit punch.

Near the alcohol stand, Lila was talking to some girl. I didn't mean to eavesdrop, but their conversation caught my attention.

"I'm serious, Charlotte. You have to lose weight before the games, because you're gonna ruin my squad's reputation. If you don't, I'll make sure to kick you off the team and make your life a living hell" Lila said condescendingly.

The poor girl looked at her feet and ran away. I could tell she was crying, and Lila just laughed.

"What the heck, Lila?!" I said, and she turned to face me.

"Well, look who's here. Marinette Dupain-Cheng" She said my name like it was venom.

"You made that poor girl cry! And she's one of yours!" I accused.

"Ugh, whatever. I'm the team captain, I can do as I want" She said with a hair flip. My blood started to boil.

"Exactly. The captain is supposed to be someone the members can trust. You can't just use that title whenever it's convenient to you and then wash away the responsibilities that come with like you do your heavy cake face" I retorted without stuttering at all.

Her lips parted, then she straightened her back.

"And you think you're a better captain than me?" She asked, crossing her arms on her chest.

"I might not be perfect, but body shaming is just... completely wrong! It can seriously affect someone's self-esteem" I yelled. By then, the people around us stopped talking and turned their attention to us.

"Gosh, you're such a goody two-shoes... Why do you even care?" She asked evilly.

"You might have gotten away with being an unbearable brat for most of your life, but from now on, if you hurt innocent people like you just did, I'm not just gonna stand there" I said solemnly.

She laughed at me and I raised my brows.

"Who the fuck do you think you are?" She yelled and pushed my shoulders. I almost fell on my ass, but I didn't. Thank God, that would've been embarrassing.

"I could ask you the same thing, Lila Rossi. The fantasy where you're pretty, smart, attractive to guys and better than everyone else only exists on your pathetic Instagram" I seethed and looked at her from head to toe in disgust.

"Bitch, you're such a stalker... and exhausting. No wonder your dad died from cancer, he probably died from exhaustion. And isn't your mom dying from cancer as we speak? You're the disease and you make me sick!"

What... How the heck does she even know this?

Her words stung. I know that it's not true and that she only wanted to hurt me, but it still stung. The people around us gasped at her harsh words and waited for a comeback. But I couldn't come up with one.

Suddenly, Adrien popped up out of the blue and grabbed Lila by the arm.

"That was unacceptable... Apologize right now" Adrien said angrily. She feigned shock and innocence.

"But Adrihoney..." She started, and he interrupted her.

"I'm fucking serious Lila, take it back!" He growled.

Lila looked at me in the eyes and didn't say anything. If her foxy green eyes could kill, I'd be dead by now.

I scoffed and shook my head. "Now who's the stalker..." I whispered.

My heart started beating awfully fast, and I couldn't tolerate her mean eyes anymore. I walked towards the front door, and the people standing in my way let me through without hesitation.

The evening air cooled me down, and I instantly felt better. I looked at the stars and sighed deeply.

My eyes started watering at the thought of my mom in the hospital. I quickly wiped them away when I heard someone call my name.

"Marinette..." Adrien started, but I looked away.

"I'm fine, just leave me alone" I interrupted him rudely. I can't believe that he could be with a girl like Lila. At this moment, he disgusted me too.

"Mari, wait!" He followed me as I walked away.

"Don't follow me, Adrien. I'm going home" I said angrily, and he sighed.

Even if I walked away like a coward, I felt somewhat proud. My dad always told me that there were people worse than bullies; the bystanders who don't actively try to defend victims.

Tonight, I stood up to Lila Rossi. And I could see in her eyes that she weakened at my words. That was satisfaction enough for me.

When I got home, I texted Chloe and Luka to tell them that I got home safe.

I took a shower and went to bed.


Guys, please vote and comment on my chapters if you like them! Peace out!

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