24 - Everything's Blurry Now

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Everything's about to change...

Marinette's POV

Right now, Adrien and I are getting ready for the awards ceremony. It's going to take place in the hotel's ballroom, and it's starting in half an hour.

Adrien was taking a shower while I put my makeup on. Chloe knocked on the door and I let her enter.

"Omg your dress is so pretty!" We both yelled at the same time. I was wearing a light pink mini dress and she was wearing a black sequin dress.

"You look a little pale, Mari" Chloe pointed out.

"Yeah, I feel kinda nauseous and dizzy since this morning" I admitted.

"God, don't tell me you're pregnant" She joked, and I rolled my eyes.

"Relax, I think 3 hours of sleep and 5 martinis before bed are to blame" I replied.

"Good, cause I really don't want to see how Adrien would react if you were pregnant" Chloe said, and I frowned.

"Well, how do you think he'd react?" I asked out of curiosity.

"There was one time, around a year ago, when a girl claimed she was pregnant from him, and he went crazy. He even scheduled a secret appointment for her with one of our family doctors to abort it. Thankfully it was a false alarm" The blonde girl said.

"Seriously?" I asked skeptically, and she nodded.

"Yup, what do you think would happen to the Gabriel brand's reputation if Gabriel's son knocked up an 18 year-old?"

At this moment, Adrien came out of the shower with a towel wrapped around his waist. His body was steamy and damp, making it impossible for me to not look at it.

"How would you react if I told you I was pregnant?" I asked him with crossed my arms. He stared at me to examine my face. I raised my brows to indicate him to answer the question.

"Are you?" He asked fearfully.

"She said if, dumbass" Chloe interjected.

Adrien took a breath to think, and then raised his shoulders. "I don't know, I guess I'd tell you to abort it"

"See?" Chloe turned to me, but I ignored her.

"And what if I wanted to keep it?" I challenged him.

"As much as I love to talk about hypothetical situations, we have to get ready now" Adrien replied, ignoring my question. My heart stung a little, because I expected him to say something supportive.

"Okay... Well I think I'm ready now" I replied. My hair was curled, my makeup was done and I was all dressed up.

"Go away Chloe, I need to change" Adrien said.

"Right... Mari, lipstick" Chloe ordered, and I handed it to her. She applied it on her lips and left the room.


The ballroom is magnificent... There is a dozen football teams and cheerleading squads from a dozen schools, but it doesn't feel crowded at all.

Each school is seated at a round table, and the event organizers provided non-alcoholic drinks and a buffet for everyone. I was talking with my friends about prom, college and other stuff.

As predicted, the Black Cats won the gold medal for Outstanding Football Performance. The Silver Rings won the silver medal, and the Blue Vipers won the Sweepstakes Award. Surprisingly, I won the medal for exceptional cheer leadership. I have a little trophy with my name written on it.

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