18 - Drunk in Love

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You have no idea how much I enjoyed writing this chapter...

Marinette's POV

Remember when Adrien said he was going on a business trip for a week? Well, it's been two months. Right now, I'm getting drunk with Alya at my apartment.

"I miss him Alya" I whined, taking another shot of vodka.

"I know times are dark right now, but the light will come. You just have to find it!" She soothed me, and I frowned.

"Stop talking to me like you're an Instagram caption. I just need to be drunk and whine" I pouted, and she raised her hands in defeat.

My heart was pounding and my body was on fire because of all the alcohol. I lay on the cold marble floor, and Alya lay on my couch.

"I understand girl... He didn't even come for Christmas. Is he coming for New Year?" Alya asked.

"I don't know... And it's okay, I spent the holidays with my mom..." I whispered. My heart clenched because Mom is getting worse and worse. I've been visiting her everyday for the past few weeks because...

I took another shot of vodka, I didn't want to think about my mom suffering.

"How are things going with Nino?" I changed subjects quickly. Alya and Nino met at the zoo a couple of weeks ago and have been dating ever since... They're my otp.

"Good! I'm meeting his parents on New Year's Eve. We should go on a double date when Adrien comes back" Alya proposed.

"If he comes back from his freaking world tour" I corrected. "Ugh, his hoodie doesn't smell like him anymore" I pouted. I'm wearing his hoodie which he gave me right before leaving.

"He's gonna come back you know? It's just... later rather than sooner" Alya tried to reassure me as she sipped on her glass of white wine.

"Alya, we haven't talked in three days because of the time difference. And I haven't kissed or slept with him in two months. What if he cheated on me? What if he doesn't love me anymore? What if he forgot who I am?" My thoughts swirled inside my head.

"Mari, he loves you. Don't you trust him?" She asked, and I didn't answer. I reached for the bottle of vodka, but Alya beat me to it.

"Hey!" I protested.

"You're so drunk, you're about to puke. I'll get you some water" She snapped her fingers in front of my face, startling me.

I groaned and got up. My head spin as soon as I was on my feet and almost fell on my ass. Alya put the vodka in my fridge and grabbed a bottle of water in the process.

"Down it" She ordered.

"Oookay" I replied with a sing-songy voice.

Her phone rang and she picked up. I drank the cold water and instantly felt better. Alya hung up after a short conversation with her dad.

"It's getting late, and I have big sister duties at home. Thanks for the wine. See you?" She grabbed her jacket and purse.

"Yeah, see you" I raised my glass of water and winked. She smiled and got out of my apartment.

I looked at the clock... It's almost midnight. God, I miss Adrien so much. I miss him holding me in his strong arms, making me feel so protected and loved... I miss seeing him smile and laugh, lighting up my entire world. I miss the way his green eyes sparkle when he looks at me.

I fought the urge to call him. He's probably very busy right now... And I don't want to seem needy. Well, I have a cheer practice tomorrow so I should go to bed.

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