14 - Champagne Soirée

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Warning: Mild smut.

Marinette's POV

At the casino, I was drinking some champagne with Alya. The ambiance was amazing: Chandeliers, alcohol, hot men in tuxedos, laughter and occasional camera flashes from paparazzi. It was like a diva's dream.

"Cheers!" Alya said as we clinked our champagne classes.

My friend was wearing a gold column dress that complimented her tanned skin and hazel eyes. In fact, half of the women here were wearing a column dress. I felt kind of underdressed in my mini dress.

"Gosh, I should've worn like a jumpsuit or something" I said in between sips.

"No girl, you gotta show off those legs!" She replied tipsily and I giggled.

"Anyway, I would like to thank you again for introducing me to Damien. Now I feel like my dreams are finally becoming reality" I told her sincerely.

"Well, here's to new friendships, opportunities, and big checks!" She raised her glass.

"Ooh, I'll drink to that" I laughed. By now, I started to feel a little tipsy myself.

"Wanna play some poker?" She proposed and I winced.

"I really hate to risk my money like that. One time I lost $500 playing poker. Never again"

"So you're a bit of a Scrooge, aren't you?" She teased.

"Whatever..." I rolled my eyes playfully and she snickered.

Tomorrow, the new Vogue issue will be out. My designs will be shown to the country, and this will open so many professional opportunities for me. Not only that, but I'll get a lot of money too.

I've always been scared about my financial situation. Don't get me wrong, I'm far from being in trouble, but one day my savings and my parents' savings won't be enough.

Now, I feel at ease. According to Damien, many companies will reach out to me to claim my designs and produce them. The very thought gave me goosebumps.

Also, there's Adrien... For some reason, he made me so happy. Being with him felt... Right. And I couldn't wait for the mysterious date that he mentioned earlier.

Tonight is a celebration. Life is going really well for me.

Alya and I continued talking none sense and drinking champagne. At some point, Damien and his friends joined us.

"Hey Damien!" I said, giving him a hug.

"Hey Mari! How's the night going?" He asked warmly.

"I really like the ambiance and the people are so nice! Plus everyone is well dressed. It feels very Gatsby" I beamed, and his smile widened at my reference.

He turned to his handsome friends standing next to him.

"Guys, this is Marinette. She's a new and very talented intern in the Fashion Design department. Mari, this is Nick, James and Chris. They all work in the Fashion Marketing Department"

I smiled and gave each of them a handshake. They seemed kind, but it was pretty intimidating for me to be around such influential people. Thankfully, Alya being Alya and Damien being Damien lead the conversation. I felt at ease quickly.

"So, Marinette, are you single?" Chris asked. He was a tall man with brown hair and green eyes. Probably Latino.

I honestly didn't know what to answer. If I say yes, than I'll have to admit that I'm with Adrien Agreste. And I really don't want to put him on the spot like that... He's so popular and maybe he doesn't want that kind of information out yet.

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