Chapter 30

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Hey everyone, this weekend was pretty busy with it getting so close to Christmas! Just so you all know, there will be no chapters next week and the week after because I will be on vacation. So, I'm really sorry about that but I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas! (or Hanukkah, or Kwanzaa, or whatever other holiday I might have missed) :)


I spend the next hour vividly describing my day to Harvel. By the time I am finished, Harvel is absolutely blown away. 

"You definitely had a better day than I did!" he remarks. 

"Yeah, today I win," I say. "You have to promise me something, Harvel." Harvel quirks his eyebrow at my sudden change of tone. 

"You can't go spreading this to everyone and their mom," I say. "You can only tell our group of friends because I'm guessing that the exploration department wants to keep some secrets." When I finish speaking, I remember Drayk and Natlee. 

"Oh, and don't tell Drayk and Natlee," I quickly add before I can change my mind. Harvel frowns but doesn't say anything. He only nods his head, accepting my wish. I nod back and smile. Harvel clears his throat. 

"I have dinner with Aekira in a bit, by the way," he says. "I'm taking her out to that downtown vegan restaurant that she likes."

"Nice job securing a girl for yourself," I say. I can't say the same for myself. The last time I talked with Camryn was when I gave her a ride on my bike over a week ago. Maybe I should ask her out sometime. My palms start to sweat at the thought of it. 

"Yeah," says Harvel, snapping me back to reality. "I'm not the only one who should be out on a date, though. How are things with Camryn? Have you talked with her lately?" I shake my head awkwardly. 

"Call her. Tonight," Harvel commands. "I'll be expecting a full rundown of your conversation when I get back from my date." I mock salute to him and he laughs. 

"Have fun out there, soldier," I tell Harvel. 

"Don't worry, I will," says Harvel, already strolling toward the door. With a final wave he disappears out into the hallway and I am left alone in the apartment. I turn and walk down Harvel's hallway to the room I have been staying in. When I look inside it, I cringe. Just like my room back at Drayk's house, it's gotten to be a disaster. The bed is unmade, clothes are strewn across the floor, my buzzbiking helmet is laying on the ground, and the old box from the One is residing in a corner. I need to clean this up before I call Camryn. So, I go to work. 

I make the bed, put all my clothes in a neat pile in a corner, and place my helmet on the small table next to my bed. Then, I go to the One's box. The "extraordinary achievement" award is still sitting in the bottom of it. It has a slight sheen of dust on top. I brush it off and decide to bring it out into Harvel's living room. I hang it on the wall next to the window. I don't want it in my room and Harvel will get a kick out of seeing it. With that done, my room looks significantly cleaner and my confidence is restored. I jump onto my newly made bed and pull my phone out of my pocket. I half hope Camryn is busy and doesn't answer my call as my palms are drenched and I'm having trouble swallowing. What if she thinks I'm stalking her? What if it's too obvious that I like her? What if- I cut myself off. Camryn and I are friends and I'm calling her to talk. 

"You're calling her to try to become more than friends!" my subconsciousness screams. I groan and dial her number before I can overthink the situation any further. The phone rings dauntingly as I wait for her to pick up. Finally, it stops. 

"Kaze?" I hear Camryn say from the other end. My nervousness amplifies at least ten times at the sound of her voice.  

"Hi," I croak out, desperately hoping that I don't sound like a frog. Camryn gives a slight, muffled giggle. Dang it, I definitely sound like a frog. I clear my throat as quietly as possible. 

"Why'd you call?" Camryn asks. I fumble around for something to tell her other than "Harvel forced me to" or "I'm hopelessly in love with you". So, my mouth decides to think faster than my brain for a second. 

"Want to go out to eat with me tomorrow night?" I blurt out. As soon as the words leave my mouth, I hear Camryn breathe in a little more sharply than normal. Oh no, she doesn't like me, she doesn't like me, she doesn't like me. I should have never called. My big mouth has ruined everything. I steel myself for the worst. 

"Sure, Kaze. I would love that," says Camryn. It takes me a second to compute her words. 

"Awesome! Just come to Harvel's apartment tomorrow night after the dome closes. It's where I'm staying right now," I say. I wait a few moments before Camryn answers. 

"Great! I'll see you tomorrow then," she says. 

"Yup, bye," I say. I hang up the phone and sit there on my bed, motionless. I've just gotten a date with my crush. 

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