Chapter 34

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Hola everybody! I hope you all are having a very relaxing weekend. This chapter is a lot of planning for the chapters to come, but things are going to heat up and have more action in the near future. 


Have a great rest of your day!


"So here is the facility Drayk and I have to break into," I say. I grab a piece of paper and a pencil. I make a rough sketch of the building with its three wings and office quadrants. 

"The drone rooms are here, the security rooms are here, and my office is here," I say, gesturing to my map. 

"Hold up, you have an office there?" Drayk asks. 

"Off topic question, but yes, I do," I answer. 

"Wicked," Drayk mutters under his breath, thinking I don't hear. I go on. 

"My idea is that I will leave the facility in the afternoon like I usually do, but I will leave alone without my mentor. I'll wait outside the dome, out of sight. Drayk will just go buzzbiking outside the dome and then meet up with me after the dome shuts. This is where you guys come in. I need someone to hack into the dome wall's databases and wire it so it says that Drayk and I have checked back into the dome. Otherwise, they'll put our names up on the screens and everyone will go haywire again and look for us. We can't have that kind of suspicion. After the hacking is done, cover for us. Maybe throw a party and say that we're there. Anything you can do to make it seem like everything is normal. I know the passwords and such to get into the building. The only thing I'm missing is a key code for the security room. Once I get that, it's a straight shot to the drone room and to my mother. I plan to use the drones to maneuver into the petrified forest and find my mother. The drones have cameras and mics on them that will allow us to see and talk to her as if we were there in person. When we finish talking with our mother, I'll set the security systems to activate after we leave. Drayk and I will then remain near the facility outside the dome for the remainder of the night and return to the dome by a different gate the next morning," I say. My team is silent, but there is a sort of eager anticipation starting to grow. A smile is creeping onto Harvel's face. Drayk's eyes are gleaming. Camryn and Natlee have straight faces but I can tell that they're alert and ready for more information. 

"Any thoughts? Or any volunteers to hack the databases?" I ask. 

"Your plan sounds great and all," says Camryn. "But, it would be very helpful if you had someone on the inside of the facility to help you out. Someone maybe higher up than you are that could get into the security rooms more easily." I slowly nod. 

"Yeah, I've thought about that as well," I say. "The one person I can think to ask is my mentor, Ximon. He was friends with my mom before she supposedly died. Plus, he hinted at my mom being alive when I first met him at my interview." 

"Do whatever you think is best, then," says Camryn. "We wouldn't want to risk the whole operation by telling the wrong person." 

"On a different topic," says Harvel. "I can hack into the databases for you. I've done my fair share of computer work at my job and let's just say that I have a little experience with hacking into their systems." Aekira playfully swats at his arm. 

"What? Coding buzzbike charging stations isn't exactly the most exciting job!" Harvel says. We all laugh. 

"As far as a party for cover, I can host one at my house," says Natlee. 

"Okay, perfect," I say. "So we have someone to hack, a party for cover, and a way to get inside the facility. I'll try to rig up some sort of communication system for us so that we can all know what's going on." The eagerness that had been showing its face earlier is now fully out in the open as we all grin from ear to ear. 

"I really think this is going to work," I say. "For now, though, just go about your normal lives. I'll call you when it's time to strike." 

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