Chapter 41

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Hola! Como estas, amigos? This is a pretty short chapter but I hope you'll like it! 

Feliz leyendo (Happy reading)! :)


Silence. Then, my mother speaks.

"Who are you? What do you want?" she says, slowly reaching for the large wooden club that rests on her table.

"Mom, it's me, Kaze," I say. I was hoping she wasn't going to have this kind of reaction. She retains the skeptical, borderline hostile stance she is in.

"You're not my son. You're the One aren't you," my mother states. Her hand keeps moving until it grasps the club firmly.

"N-no," I say, uncertain of what to tell her to make her believe me. I shoot a look at Drayk and Ximon, urging them to help me. Drayk leans in towards Ximon's computer until his mouth is inches away from the screen.

"H-hi, uh, mom," he says shakily. I can make out the tears glistening slightly in his eyes. He swallows hard as he waits for our mother's response. I see my mother's hand loosen its grip on the club.

"Who is that?" she whispers. By the tone of her voice, I think she knows exactly who it is but she is still skeptical.

"It's Drayk," says Drayk softly. "Mom, it's me." Silent tears begin to stream down our mother's face.

"You could be the One," she says, still refusing to believe that it is actually me and Drayk. "This wouldn't be the first time he's tricked people by changing his voice."

"Come on, mom, you have to believe us," I say, starting to get desperate. Then, I get an idea.

"Ask us a question about your family or yourself," I demand, determined to prove that we are her children. My mother smirks.

"How do I know that you don't have Kaze and Drayk captive and you can torture them until you get the answer?" she asks. "I know your games and they won't fool me." I notice the tears that were on her face have dried up almost completely. Her hand tightens on the club once again. This is not going according to plan. At all. Drayk decides to try again.

"Mom, it's me, it's actually me," he says, his eyes watering in the corners. "Please." But my mother is all stone.

"Don't," she says silkily, "Use my sons against me." The controller slips in my sweaty hands and I falter, not knowing what to say anymore. My thumb taps the joystick and the drone jerks to the side. As quick as a flash, my mother has raised the club to defend herself.

"Get out," she says. "Get. OUT!" She leaps out of her chair and furiously swings her club at the drone. I barely maneuver out of the way in time. 

"Mom," I say, still trying even though my mother has given in to violence. 

"GO!" she yells. "And never come back!" I turn and zoom out of her house into the night air. As I make my way back to the facility my vision gets worse and worse until, finally, I am blinded by tears. 

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