Chapter 44

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Hey guys! I know it has been... a long time, to say the least. But, I am back (maybe better than ever - that remains to be seen :). As I mentioned in my announcement, updates will still always come out on Sundays, even if it's not every single week. 

So, stay tuned and enjoy this chapter!


The room immediately bursts into chatter.

"You should go and try to get more info about where they're keeping Drayk and Ximon," says Harvel to me. 

"No! He shouldn't go at all! What if the One is just using this to capture Kaze as well?" Camryn says worriedly. 

"I say he has to go!" says Natlee. "He's the only chance we've got at getting Drayk back!" 

Her voice cracks at the end of her sentence, giving the first hint that she is upset. So far, she's been very reserved and shown almost no emotion. 

"Just because your boyfriend is locked up doesn't mean I want to risk mine to save him!" says Camryn, her voice rising in volume. 

All of the other background conversations die out and everyone sits in shock at the fact that Camryn and Natlee are fighting. They've been best friends for so long and now they're at each other's throats... over me. At one point in time I might have been happy that girls were fighting over what to do with me, but this is a nightmare. 

"So, that's it? You're just going to leave your boyfriend's brother with the One? Honestly, Camryn, I thought you were better than that!" shouts Natlee. There is dead silence for a moment. 

"I'm not going to do that! I just don't want Kaze to rush into this meeting that could potentially be a suicide mission!" Camryn yells. 

"Oh, come on! You were fine with him breaking into that souped up facility to talk to his mom!" Natlee exclaims. 

"To be honest, I wasn't completely okay with that, but that was his mom! This situation is different. This time we've come into the attention of the One himself," says Camryn, her voice dying down. Natlee doesn't respond she is still breathing heavy and hard as an aftereffect of her and Camryn's shouting match. 

"How are we even supposed to do anything? I mean, we're just... us. What are we going to do against the leader of the dome? " says Camryn, her voice barely a whisper now. A lone tear escapes from her eye and runs down her cheek. Natlee also looks like she's about to cry. 

"Camryn," she says, her voice breaking. "I'm-"

"Don't," Camryn cuts in. "Just leave me alone." 

She turns and quickly walks out of Harvel's apartment, slamming the door on her way out. Without a second thought or a glance at anyone else, I immediately run after her. I throw open the door and just catch a glimpse of her entering the doorway to the stairs. 

I run down the hallway and quickly go down the stairs in time to see Camryn walk out of the lobby door and step onto the transport strip. I burst through the lobby door and sprint down the sidewalk, not bothering to take the strip. 

"Camryn!" I call. "Camryn, it's me!" 

Camryn doesn't respond or give any indication that she's heard me, but I know she has. She's not going to want to talk to me, but I have to talk to her. I have to be there for her. I decide to just keep following her since she is most likely headed for her apartment. I hop onto the transport strip and catch my breath while still keeping a close eye on Camryn. 

When she gets off near her apartment, I get off the strip early and start jogging towards her building. I can tell she's still upset by how fast she's walking and I have to run faster to try and close the distance between us. Camryn takes the stairs again and I follow. She's really booking it back to her apartment. When she reaches her floor, she takes off towards her door. From the stairs, I see her searching for her I.D. card so she can scan it in the door to get inside. I have to catch her before she goes inside and shuts me out. 

I reach the top of the stairs as quickly as I can and dash down the hallway. Camryn has managed to open her door and she's walking into her apartment when I reach her. I grab her wrist before she can close the door behind her and pull her into my chest. Camryn struggles for a moment before giving in to my embrace and breaking down in my arms. I let her cry and hiccup and ruin my shirt while I gently stroke her hair. 

"It's okay, babe, it's okay. I'm not going anywhere," I whisper to her as she continues to sob. "It's alright, I'm here." 

I slowly shuffle past the doorway and close the door behind us while still holding Camryn. Then, I walk us to the couch and sit down with her in my lap. Camryn's tears continue cascading down her face without showing any sign of stopping. She detaches her hands from my shirt and wipes her eyes, vainly trying to clear them of liquid. 

I silently tuck her hair behind her ear and rub her back as she falls apart. I decide to let her speak first, if she wants to say anything at all. 

"Kaze," she says, her words garbled by hiccups and coughs. "I'm so sorry. I should've just kept my mouth shut and agreed with Natlee. I mean, Drayk is your brother and I didn't want to let you try to find him!" 

"It's okay," I say. "I understand why you don't want me to go because, yeah, the whole thing is pretty dangerous. And, honestly, I'm not sure what I think about everything either. I'm pretty sure my small mind just hasn't wrapped itself around how big of a deal this is." 

Camryn coughs out a little giggle. She's starting to calm down a bit, and she takes a big, shaky breath. 

"I really screwed things up," she says. 

"Maybe a little," I admit. "But it's nothing that isn't fixable. There's nothing you need to repair between us, and you and Natlee have been best friends for a long time. It's not like that doesn't mean anything." 

Camryn considers this for an instant. Her tears have pretty well stopped flowing now, leaving her lashes and cheeks damp with their residue. Her skin is pale, her eyes are red, and the tears shine on her face, but I have never thought she's looked more beautiful. 

"Thanks," she says softly while twisting her head to look up at me. 

She places her hand on my cheek and I'm suddenly hyperaware of how close she is to me. My cheeks grow warm and butterflies explode in my stomach. The desire to kiss her boils up inside me. This is my chance! I lean a little closer, gauging her reaction to how close I am. In response, Camryn also moves nearer to me. Our lips are only inches apart. I can feel her warm breath on my chin. It hitches when I touch my hand to her cheek and wipe a tear away with my finger. 

I gather my nerve, close my eyes, and softly touch my lips to hers. I feel her smile and I deepen the kiss, exploring her lips and the feel of them, relishing in the fact that I am here. She quietly sighs and pulls me closer. Reluctantly, after a few more seconds, I slowly pull away, opening my eyes and flashing them downwards to make eye contact with her. Her cheeks are scarlet red now, and she holds my gaze, a happy smile spreading across the lips I just kissed. 

I give her one more small peck and we just sit there, grinning at each other for a moment. We lay back on the couch and cuddle together, enjoying each other's company, until we both drift off into sleep. 

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