Chapter 39

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Hey y'all! I hope you guys are having an a-ma-zing weekend! If you haven't noticed, Genesis has a new cover design! I teamed up with dreaminginreverie to make this cover and she did such an incredible job. Huge thanks to her!

Enjoy the chapter!


"Kaze, we're in position and we're ready to go when the facility closes," Harvel says to me. I look up from where I am sitting in Lab Unus. I had to do some paperwork, so I carried it into the lab and am now surrounded by fellow facility workers.

"That's good, the facility is closing in an hour," I say back to Harvel. "I'll alert you fifteen minutes before closing, although I still don't know what Ximon is planning to do."

"Cool, like I said, we're all situated here in Natlee's spare room," says Harvel. "Talk to ya in a bit, now go do your paperwork." I lean back in my chair and yawn while glancing around the room. No one seems perturbed by me and Harvel's conversation. That's probably because it was all going on in our heads. As of now, we all have our earpieces in because tonight is the night. We're going to hack into the facility and finally get to talk to my mother again.

"Camryn, how are you doing?" I think, sending my message to her alone. There is a small pause and I wonder if she took her earpiece out for some reason.

"I'm doing well, just dealing with some idiots at work," she says. "What's up?"

"I'm just bored," I say. "Paperwork isn't all that exciting." There is muffled laughter over our connection.

"Survive about 20 more minutes," says Camryn. "Then we both get out of work and you can talk to your mom."

"Yeah," I say. There is silence for a bit and I continue on pretending to work.

"You know, I'd like to meet your mom sometime," says Camryn suddenly.

"Maybe you will," I say. "Maybe this'll work and we can do it multiple times. Trust me, I'd like you to meet her too. I think you guys would get along."

"I hope we would," says Camryn, trailing off at the end of her sentence. "I've got to go, Kaze. I just got a phone call that I have to take."

"Alright," I say, reluctant to let her go. "I- I'll talk to you later." I choke on my words a little bit. Although I have been acting very nonchalant about this whole operation, I'm actually very nervous. What if something happens? What if they changed the security system? What if we're forgetting about something? I want to talk to my mother and all, but I still hate the fact that I am endangering my friends so much. If any of them gets caught, I will still feel like it is mostly my fault. I know Camryn says that everyone knows the potential consequences and can take care of themselves, but it was my idea in the first place. 

"Hey, are you working here? Or are you just going to stare off into space?" a voice says, startling me. I look over to the voice's source and see a snobby facility scientist standing over me. His massive wire glasses are perched on the very tip of his nose, precariously wobbling. 

"Sorry, I was just finishing up," I say, trying to sound as innocent as possible. The scientist sniffs and walks away, pushing his glasses up his nose as he goes. I roll my eyes and pretend to go back to my work. There is only ten minutes left until the facility closes. In my head I go over what I have to do. When there is a little time left before closing, I have to go to my office and feign putting my paperwork away. I'll lock my office door and turn all the lights off to make it look like I've left. Ximon will do the same, but he'll hack the system to make it look like we both left. We'll stay alone in our rooms until the dome closes and we know we're completely alone. Then, I'll go to the entrance to the facility and let Drayk in. I gave him instructions to the facility and made sure he knew where to go, even if he only knows vaguely. He'll be buzzbiking around and he'll just come here instead of going back inside the dome. Harvel will cover our tracks and tell the dome gate databases that Ximon, Drayk, and I have all come back inside the dome. Natlee has the "party" going at her house and we have our mean of communication. If anything happens, we'll all know faster than anyone else. And, hopefully, there won't be any problems. All I can hope is that things go smoothly and my mother realizes that it's us talking to her. If she destroys my drone or we can't find her because she's hiding then this whole mission will be a bust. I glance at my watch. Now there's about seven minutes until closing. I'd better get going. I pick up my work and slide my chair into the table loudly to make sure everyone knows I'm leaving. I stroll out of the lab and hustle down to the office wing of the facility. I walk into my office, locking the door behind me. I keep the lights on for now, as I actually have to put my things away. 

"Attention workers. There is five minutes until closing," a female voice says over the facility's intercom. I race to the light switch and shut it off so my office is plunged into darkness. I run back behind my desk and crouch down so I am out of sight. The clicking of feet begins to echo through the hallway. In a few minutes, the facility is closed and I can hear security sweeps begin. I carefully sit down, making sure my head is still concealed by the desk. I'd better settle in for a long wait. 

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